Real Madrid will help a teenager from Morocco who lost his family in an earthquake: his story touched the whole world

The foot­ball club learned about the boy’s tragedy and will help ful­fill the dream of his deceased father.

An earth­quake of mag­ni­tude 6.9 occurred in Moroc­co On the night of Sep­tem­ber 9, an earth­quake of mag­ni­tude 6.9 occurred in Moroc­co, which killed more than 2 thou­sand peo­ple.

The tremors led to the col­lapse of build­ings, bro­ken roads, and some small set­tle­ments were almost com­plete­ly destroyed.

A teenager lost his entire family under the rubble

One of the most touch­ing moments is an inter­view with a Moroc­can teenag­er who lost his moth­er, father, grand­fa­ther and broth­ers after the earth­quake. Dur­ing the tele­vi­sion inter­view, he was wear­ing a Real Madrid jer­sey.

“My dad want­ed me to study and become some­thing in the future. He want­ed me to become a doc­tor or a teacher. I just want to fin­ish my stud­ies,” the teenag­er said.

The young man’s sto­ry spread across social net­works and users tried to con­vey infor­ma­tion to Real Madrid. The club learned about the sto­ry and decid­ed to help the Moroc­can teenag­er, El Espanol reports.

How will Real Madrid help a teenager?

Real Madrid plans to include the boy in their acad­e­my while he stud­ies in Spain, ful­fill­ing his father’s wish­es. Father, moth­er, two broth­ers and grand­fa­ther Abdul were among the more than 2,900 peo­ple killed in the earth­quake.

Real Madrid is one of sev­er­al clubs that paid trib­ute to the vic­tims of the dis­as­ter. He released an offi­cial state­ment express­ing his deep­est con­do­lences to the vic­tims.