A Russian athlete criticized men in the USA: “They get to know each other in a boring way – ours are better”

A young track and field ath­lete emi­grat­ed to Amer­i­ca, but can­not adapt: ​​she believes that stu­pid peo­ple live there and there is no free­dom of speech.

Russ­ian high jumper Ele­na Kulichenko, now rep­re­sent­ing Cyprus, spoke about her impres­sions of life in the USA. She has been liv­ing in Amer­i­ca for sev­er­al years and is dis­sat­is­fied with the local order and even with men.

Why does a Russian athlete live in the USA?

Kulichenko was a promis­ing ath­lete in Rus­sia. In 2017, she won the nation­al high jump cham­pi­onship among ath­letes under 18 years of age. In the same year she became a sil­ver medal­ist at the Euro­pean fes­ti­val in Hun­gary.

Kulichenko was afraid for her career, name­ly, that she would not be able to com­pete at inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tions due to sanc­tions. There­fore, in 2021, I decid­ed to change my cit­i­zen­ship: I began to com­pete for Cyprus, but lives in the USA.

Kulichenko entered the Amer­i­can Uni­ver­si­ty in Geor­gia. She admits that she miss­es her home­land, but does not regret mov­ing. Although he believes that there is no free­dom of speech in the USA — you can crit­i­cize pol­i­tics and the pres­i­dent, but not minori­ties:

“If you start talk­ing about LGBT peo­ple or speak­ing out on racial top­ics, that’s it. Will be can­celed for­ev­er! — said Kulichenko. The ath­lete added that she can dis­cuss such top­ics only in her own cir­cle.

Accord­ing to the ath­lete, despite the fact that uni­ver­si­ties in the Unit­ed States are con­sid­ered more pres­ti­gious, it was hard­er for her to study in Rus­sia. And aver­age Amer­i­cans are very une­d­u­cat­ed:

“Half of Amer­i­cans think Europe is a coun­try. They do not care. Well, objec­tive­ly there are a lot of stu­pid peo­ple who don’t know basic things. They just don’t go to uni­ver­si­ties.”

The athlete believes that Russian men are better than Americans

Kulichenko is a spec­tac­u­lar girl, but she admits that she has not yet built a per­son­al life in the USA. “There’s just no time. I am busy all the time, there are many dif­fer­ent things that need time. Per­son­al life suf­fers because of this,” says the ath­lete.

Kulichenko doesn’t like Amer­i­can men, and she miss­es Rus­sians: “The Amer­i­cans are bor­ing. “Hey, can I have your Snapchat?” This is a local guys clas­sic. That’s why I can­cel them.”

Russ­ian men are not so bad, it turns out? Not bad at all! But all this can be learned by com­par­i­son. What we have, we don’t val­ue. Well, that’s not all either, you don’t need to delude your­self.”

Let us remind you that on July 17, Kulichenko won the Euro­pean Youth Cham­pi­onship. The ath­lete brought Cyprus its first ever gold medal at the tour­na­ment.