Real Madrid players detained in Spain for video of sex with 16-year-old girl

They face seri­ous prison sen­tences.

Play­ers of the Real Madrid youth team found them­selves under the close atten­tion of police offi­cers. Young foot­ball play­ers were detained for dis­trib­ut­ing inti­mate videos on social net­works. Details of the inci­dent were report­ed by Mun­do Deporti­vo.

As it became known, law enforce­ment offi­cers had ques­tions about four play­ers from the Span­ish club’s sys­tem — one of them plays for Castil­la (the first reserve team), the oth­er three play for Real Madrid C. One of the youth team play­ers is the main sus­pect in this case.

The young peo­ple are accused of dis­trib­ut­ing an inti­mate video in which a 16-year-old girl is present. The footage appeared on What­sApp mes­sen­ger, after which the teenager’s moth­er con­tact­ed the police. Accord­ing to El Con­fi­den­cial news­pa­per, the woman filed her appli­ca­tion in the Canary Islands on Sep­tem­ber 6.

The inves­ti­ga­tion into the inci­dent is being con­duct­ed by the Las Pal­mas police, who detained the play­ers before train­ing. Dur­ing com­mu­ni­ca­tion with law enforce­ment offi­cers, the play­ers con­fessed. Accord­ing to the main sus­pect, he had con­sen­su­al sex­u­al con­tact with the girl.

The man­age­ment of the Madrid club has already respond­ed to the inci­dent. Its rep­re­sen­ta­tives issued an appeal on the offi­cial web­site in which they promised to take action in con­nec­tion with the inci­dent. “When the club receives detailed infor­ma­tion about the facts, we will take appro­pri­ate action.”says the state­ment.

Por­tal As reports that if the play­ers are found guilty, they could face a prison sen­tence of up to five years. They will receive the max­i­mum sen­tence if the vic­tim real­ly turns out to be a minor. The per­son who filmed and dis­trib­uted the record­ing will bear the great­est respon­si­bil­i­ty. It is empha­sized that the sen­tence can be com­mut­ed if the defense man­ages to prove that the video was record­ed with the girl’s con­sent.

By the way, this is not the only sex scan­dal relat­ed to Real Madrid play­ers in recent times. Ear­li­er, club defend­er Dani Car­va­jal was accused of sex­u­al harass­ment: The Objec­tive pub­lished a sto­ry by a man who said that he worked as a trans­la­tor for the Span­ish nation­al team at the 2018 World Cup in Rus­sia. Accord­ing to the nar­ra­tor, Car­va­jal asked to tell one of the girls he saw at the par­ty that the play­er would like to have an inti­mate rela­tion­ship with her. The foot­baller him­self claims that he was slan­dered and intends to sue the pub­li­ca­tion that dis­sem­i­nat­ed infor­ma­tion about him.