The Mr. Olympia participant died tragically at the age of 34: why is the bodybuilder’s death considered suspicious?

His coach post­ed a con­tro­ver­sial mes­sage on social media, which he lat­er edit­ed.

The body­build­ing com­mu­ni­ty is in mourn­ing after the death of for­mer Mr. Olympia com­peti­tor Neil Cur­ry, who died at the age of 34.

Why did the famous bodybuilder die?

Cur­ry is a pro­fes­sion­al body­builder who com­pet­ed in the Clas­sic Physique cat­e­go­ry. He passed away on Sep­tem­ber 11, 2023 at the age of 34. The famous coach Milos Sart­sev report­ed this:

“Absolute­ly shock­ing, heart­break­ing news: my for­mer ath­lete Neil Cur­ry died today… by sui­cide. My last and best mem­o­ry of him is the smile on his face after he won the New York Pro and achieved his life­long dream of qual­i­fy­ing for Mr. Olympia.

I am speech­less and have so much pain and sad­ness. My sin­cere con­do­lences to his fam­i­ly, friends and loved ones. Rest in peace Neil and God bless your soul.”

Sart­sev sub­se­quent­ly edit­ed the mes­sage to remove the men­tion of sui­cide. The cause of death of the body­builder has not yet been offi­cial­ly report­ed.

How did Curry become a bodybuilder?

Cur­ry was born and raised in the UK. At school he fell in love with foot­ball, and soon began train­ing with iron. Over the years, Cur­ry became increas­ing­ly focused on train­ing and diet, which led him to body­build­ing.

In addi­tion to his achieve­ments in body­build­ing, Cur­ry will be remem­bered for his warmth and com­pas­sion for peo­ple, friends say. Accord­ing to them, he was a good friend, coach and men­tor who always strived to make time for every­one in the gym, sup­port­ing both begin­ners and expe­ri­enced ath­letes.

Cur­ry’s pro­fes­sion­al career began at the 2017 World Cham­pi­onships. He lat­er com­pet­ed in a num­ber of major tour­na­ments and won the 2022 New York Pro. And he took part in the Mr. Olympia tour­na­ment — six years after the start of his career.