From football players to models: 5 best images of Hector Bellerin that will teach men to dress stylishly

The for­mer Arse­nal and Barcelona play­er loves bright out­fits and even walked on the cat­walk for a top cloth­ing brand.

Hec­tor Bel­lerin is a Betis defend­er who is con­sid­ered the main dude in foot­ball. In 2022, he was rec­og­nized as the most styl­ish foot­ball play­er in the world. Bel­lerin is deeply immersed in the fash­ion indus­try: he par­tic­i­pates in shows, cre­ates his own brand and cre­ates his own wardrobe with­out the help of a styl­ist.

Why did Bellerin fall in love with fashion?

Bel­lerin attract­ed fash­ion design­ers and even walked the cat­walk at the Paris show of the Louis Vuit­ton spring/summer 2020 col­lec­tion. “Don’t let any­one tell you, ‘You can’t do it.’ Vir­gil Abloh (LV design­er — Men­To­day), Louis Vuit­ton, thank you for this oppor­tu­ni­ty,” the Spaniard wrote after the show.

Bel­lerin believes that foot­ball play­ers lack taste in choos­ing clothes. He describes the phi­los­o­phy of a typ­i­cal store gam­bler: If an item looks expen­sive or has a huge logo on it that shows I paid a lot of mon­ey for it, then I’ll buy it. If it also looks good, then it’s great.

“As for team­mates, I saw a lot of Guc­ci track­suits, tons of ripped skin­ny jeans, shiny or stud­ded high-top Louboutins on the legs. I think the younger gen­er­a­tion is much more fash­ion con­scious. They know a lot about brands and always try to look good. It wasn’t always like this, so this is a start,” says Bel­lerin.

Skin­ny pants that are too tight are Bellerin’s least favorite item of cloth­ing: “Skin­ny jeans are not for men with large calves. This is dif­fi­cult for many play­ers to under­stand.”

Bellerin’s best looks

Bel­lerin loves to com­bine unusu­al cloth­ing items into one out­fit. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he played for Arse­nal and Barcelona, ​​but now he has moved to the slight­ly less sta­tus Span­ish Betis.

On social net­works, he showed an unusu­al out­fit — light trousers and a Betis T‑shirt with rolled up sleeves:

At the Louis Vuit­ton show, Bel­lerin appeared in a pink track­suit — shorts and a hood­ie:

Bel­ler­in’s urban out­fits are also impres­sive: no skin­ny jeans, but Vans sneak­ers and shirts with bright prints:

Bel­lerin loves jew­el­ry, and his out­fits are not always mas­cu­line. There are also very fem­i­nine images, as well as sig­na­ture mus­tach­es:

It hap­pens that Bel­lerin wears tight pants, but he still looks bright. This out­fit is a real riot of col­ors:

Autumn is in full swing, so it’s time to update your wardrobe to pre­pare for the frost. Find out from our mate­r­i­al which men’s jack­ets will be in fash­ion this fall.