Fitness trainer named the only exercise that is necessary to strengthen the whole body

The girl believes that just five min­utes of doing it will allow you to sig­nif­i­cant­ly work out your abs and strength­en all oth­er mus­cle groups.

Fit­ness train­er Kelsey Wells named the only exer­cise that is nec­es­sary to strength­en the entire body. Her advice is shared by the Fit and Well web­site. The girl believes that the bear walk­ing exer­cise is a proven way to burn calo­ries and work out all the nec­es­sary mus­cle groups.

“The bear walk is an under­rat­ed exer­cise that acti­vates the mus­cles of the legs, upper body and core.” Wells said. In addi­tion, the fit­ness train­er not­ed that it will help strength­en the but­tocks, quadri­ceps and ham­strings.

Even when per­form­ing the exer­cise, the mus­cles of the shoul­ders, back and chest, as well as the abs, are involved. At the same time, spinal sup­port and sta­bi­liza­tion are improved. This type of exer­cise requires more ener­gy than many sim­i­lar move­ments, so the exer­cise burns more calo­ries.

Kelsey Wells also described how to prop­er­ly per­form a bear walk. From the start­ing posi­tion (on all fours, lean­ing on your palms and feet), you need to move for­ward, simul­ta­ne­ous­ly tak­ing a step with the oppo­site arm and leg. Dur­ing the exer­cise, your back should remain straight and your shins should be par­al­lel to the floor.

The fit­ness train­er not­ed that cor­rect tech­nique is much more impor­tant than a fast pace, espe­cial­ly for begin­ners. Wells con­sid­ers the opti­mal set to be ten laps of 20 sec­onds of activ­i­ty with 10-sec­ond rest breaks. Pre­vi­ous­ly, we talked about anoth­er set of exer­cis­es for all mus­cle groups, but using small dumb­bells.