How a Dagestan pensioner lost 10 kilograms in 2.5 hours, breaking his own record

The 69-year-old phe­nom­e­non was includ­ed in the Russ­ian Book of Records and admits that he plans to con­tin­ue run­ning, because he has been involved in sports since his youth.

Bahama Aigubov, a 69-year-old pen­sion­er from the Dages­tan vil­lage of Mugi, inspires peo­ple with his ath­let­ic longevi­ty. He sets incred­i­ble records in run­ning, or more pre­cise­ly, in weightlift­ing. After all, a pen­sion­er burns a huge amount of kilo­grams dur­ing car­dio exer­cise.

How did a pensioner from Dagestan become a record runner?

In 2020, Aigubov went to the Ele­na Isin­baye­va sta­di­um in Makhachkala and staged a five-hour race, dur­ing which he lost 9 kilo­grams and 300 grams. This news was shared by the Min­istry of Sports of Dages­tan on its offi­cial account on social net­works.

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Doc­tors mon­i­tored Aigubov’s con­di­tion dur­ing the race, and they also checked the man’s blood pres­sure after he fin­ished. He calm­ly endured the load, despite the pour­ing rain in which he had to run.

Before enter­ing the race, Bahama under­went a weigh-in pro­ce­dure — then he weighed 88 kilo­grams. Five hours lat­er, the man fin­ished weigh­ing 78 kilo­grams and 700 grams. These fig­ures allowed the Dages­tani to enter the Russ­ian Book of Records.

The pensioner set a new record that is hard to believe

Aigubov is con­sid­ered a phe­nom­e­non: sports doc­tor Tagir Ibrag­i­mov, who fol­lowed the com­pe­ti­tion, told reporters that from a med­ical point of view, such results are fan­tas­tic:

“To lose weight, you need to speed up your meta­bol­ic process­es. It turns out that a per­son wants to lose 15 kilo­grams in five hours, I think this is unre­al­is­tic.”

Aigubov did not stop at the record of almost 10 kg and went fur­ther and set a new record. He again lost ten kilo­grams, but this time in 2.5 hours, reports RGVK “Dages­tan”.

Accord­ing to the source, 69-year-old Aigubov took part in the 21-kilo­me­ter Ath­let­ics Race. Dur­ing the run, he lost about 10 kilo­grams, orga­niz­ers report. How­ev­er, this time the weigh­ing pro­ce­dure was not offi­cial, so it is unlike­ly that the record will be record­ed.


Phys­i­cal­ly, Aigubov was well pre­pared for the test. Now the man works as a den­tist, but in his youth he played sports pro­fes­sion­al­ly. He became a cham­pi­on in Gre­co-Roman wrestling com­pe­ti­tions and admits that he lost 17 kg per week.

“I have been involved in sports all my life. Run­ning brings me true hap­pi­ness, and den­tistry is a dai­ly job that gen­er­ates income, thanks to which I can play sports,” says Aigubov.

Weight cut­ting is a com­mon prac­tice in the world of mar­tial arts. These usu­al­ly include diet, wear­ing ther­mal suits (to help you sweat more), and spe­cial water drink­ing reg­i­mens.

How­ev­er, weight rac­ing often ends in tragedy — find out from our mate­r­i­al what MMA fight­ers sac­ri­fice in order to fit into the weight cat­e­go­ry lim­it.