How Lionel Messi eats: try the champion’s diet

We tell you what the famous foot­ball play­er eats to stay in shape.

Argen­tine foot­baller and Inter Mia­mi play­er Lionel Mes­si has per­haps the most bal­anced diet among for­eign ath­letes. His diet was assessed by star nutri­tion­ist and pop­u­lar blog­ger Eva Humphreys.

What does Messi eat?

The 36-year-old foot­ball play­er is in excel­lent phys­i­cal shape. The secret of his suc­cess lies not only in reg­u­lar train­ing and high activ­i­ty, but also in the fact that Leo is a fol­low­er of the prin­ci­ples of healthy eat­ing. For exam­ple, he abstains from sug­ar, fried foods and processed car­bo­hy­drates.

Accord­ing to The Sun, the ath­lete’s menu includes a large num­ber of veg­eta­bles, fresh fruits, and nuts. The Argen­tine prefers soups, sal­ads, fish — main­ly tuna — to fat­ty hot dish­es, and choos­es brown rice as a side dish. In addi­tion, he made a choice in favor of whole grains.

Expert opinion

Accord­ing to Eve Humphreys, this approach to food is more than rea­son­able. Mes­si’s diet, the spe­cial­ist claims, allows him to con­sume more nutri­ents that sup­port his well-being. In addi­tion, the Argen­tine foot­ball play­er’s diet is rich in fiber — this fac­tor is the key to sta­ble intesti­nal func­tion.

The nutri­tion­ist praised Lionel’s menu: she gave it the high­est score — 10 out of 10. “Ath­letes tend to have high­er nutri­ent require­ments due to the amount of train­ing they do. His approach to food is a smart way to increase your nutri­ent intake.“says Humphreys.

It is note­wor­thy that the nutri­tion­ist also assessed the diet of oth­er sports rep­re­sen­ta­tives. Among foot­ballers, Leices­ter City play­er Jamie Vardy has the worst record.

The ath­lete, who is the same age as Mes­si, admit­ted in his auto­bi­og­ra­phy that on the night before each game he drinks an unusu­al cock­tail: he fills a plas­tic bot­tle with water or ener­gy drink, as well as port wine in a 1 to 1 ratio. “It helps me sleep before an impor­tant match.”Vardy wrote.

Accord­ing to Eva Humphreys, such a habit is a direct path to alco­hol addic­tion. “This cock­tail can act as a tem­po­rary solu­tion to calm your nerves. But drink­ing is a depres­sant. It will most like­ly leave you feel­ing depressed.“says the nutri­tion­ist.

Ear­li­er we talked about the new record set by Lionel Mes­si. Now he is the most titled foot­ball play­er in his­to­ry. Find out what awards the Argen­tine has to his name.