The new UFC champion has become known. He knocked out his opponent in the second round

Sean O’Mal­ley is the new UFC Ban­tamweight Cham­pi­on. The out­come of the fight was decid­ed by just one suc­cess­ful blow in the sec­ond round.

The finals of UFC 292 took place in Boston. It became the most antic­i­pat­ed event of the sum­mer for MMA fans, because Alja­main Ster­ling, the UFC ban­tamweight cham­pi­on, and Sean O’Mal­ley, a con­tender for the belt with great ambi­tions, were sup­posed to com­pete in the main fight of the evening.

But there was no spec­tac­u­lar con­fronta­tion. Alja­main Ster­ling spent the entire first round active­ly using his main advan­tage — his height. He kept his oppo­nent at a dis­tance, did not allow him to get close and start fight­ing on the ground. There­fore, the round looked lack­lus­ter: rare attempts to strike, chaot­ic move­ment around the ring with­out vis­i­ble results.

In the sec­ond round, Alja­main Ster­ling decid­ed to act more deci­sive­ly and attack more active­ly, but made a crit­i­cal mis­take. He attacked O’Mal­ley with a pow­er­ful blow, but he deft­ly dodged and, tak­ing advan­tage of the moment, dealt a crush­ing blow to his oppo­nent.

Alja­main Ster­ling did­n’t have time to get up. Sean O’Mal­ley beat him, pre­vent­ing the con­fronta­tion from turn­ing into a fight, until the ref­er­ee sent him away. The fight end­ed in the sec­ond round by tech­ni­cal knock­out and vic­to­ry for O’Mal­ley. And this is quite strange, because Ster­ling defend­ed him­self despite the fall and could have con­tin­ued the fight.

In any case, Sean O’Mal­ley’s vic­to­ry did­n’t look impres­sive. The oppo­nents played on equal terms through­out the first round, and the mat­ter was decid­ed by chance, and not by the endurance and strength of one of the ath­letes. There­fore, it is obvi­ous that in the near future the cur­rent UFC light­weight cham­pi­on will have to train hard to defend his title. He has many poten­tial oppo­nents who can defeat him.

For exam­ple, Petr Yan. He is a for­mer UFC ban­tamweight cham­pi­on and is ful­ly capa­ble of chal­leng­ing the title again. Yes, the ath­lete had sev­er­al dis­ap­point­ing defeats in a row. From the same Alja­main Ster­ling, for exam­ple, but he can pre­pare bet­ter and give a good fight. Or Khabib Nur­magome­dov’s sec­ond cousin. He has not yet ful­ly demon­strat­ed him­self, but is already con­sid­ered a promis­ing and pow­er­ful fight­er with a great future.

In the end, Alja­main Ster­ling could com­pete for the title again. He is in good shape, has an excel­lent win-loss record, and the tech­ni­cal knock­out was more of an unex­pect­ed plot twist than the expect­ed end­ing. There­fore, the con­fronta­tion between the cham­pi­ons will again be inter­est­ing to watch.

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