I drove a foreign car to the USSR and left sports for the sake of my family: 8 interesting facts about hockey player Vladislav Tretyak

The goal­keep­er of the Union nation­al team has been rec­og­nized more than once as the best hock­ey play­er in his­to­ry, impress­ing the whole world with his play.

Tretyak was born into the fam­i­ly of a mil­i­tary pilot and a phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion teacher. He was an active child and tried dif­fer­ent sports — swim­ming and even div­ing. But his favorite pas­time was vis­it­ing the skat­ing rink, where Vladislav could dis­ap­pear for hours.

At the age of 11, Tretyak became inter­est­ed in hock­ey: when select­ing for the CSKA school, the coach­es not­ed his abil­i­ty to skate in reverse, so At first he played as a strik­er. Due to the fact that there were not enough uni­forms for every­one, Tretyak him­self asked to become a goal­keep­er.

Tretyak’s father did not sup­port his pas­sion for hock­ey and joked that he resem­bled a jan­i­tor, who has a hock­ey stick in his hands instead of a broom. Vladislav was not offend­ed and treat­ed crit­i­cism with humor.

Tretyak joined CSKA at the age of 16, when he was noticed by the leg­endary coach Ana­toly Tarasov. Tretyak became a promi­nent goal­keep­er, and two years lat­er in 1969 he made his debut in the USSR nation­al team.

In 1972, Tretyak became an Olympic cham­pi­on, play­ing all the match­es and not miss­ing a sin­gle goal. The goal­keep­er became the youngest cham­pi­on in hock­ey.

Tretyak became the best hock­ey play­er of the USSR five times and won the Olympics three times. He end­ed his career ear­ly, at 32, because he want­ed to devote more time to his fam­i­ly.

After the Cana­da Cup, the ath­lete received a prize for the best play­er — a yel­low Toy­ota car in a gift wrap­per. He was deliv­ered by plane, and the gov­ern­ment exempt­ed Tretyak from duty. No one else in the USSR had such a car, so every­one under­stood that Tretyak was dri­ving it.

The Inter­na­tion­al Ice Hock­ey Fed­er­a­tion named Tre­ti­ak the best hock­ey play­er of the 20th cen­tu­ry. The goal­keep­er received the infor­mal nick­name “Russ­ian Wall” from his oppo­nents.