5 most scandalous football players in football history

Foot­ball is life, and it is also about fights, insults, revenge and oth­er out­rages for which these play­ers are remem­bered.

Eric Cantona

The leg­endary num­ber 7 of Man­ches­ter Unit­ed was dis­tin­guished by his vio­lent tem­per both dur­ing the game and behind the stands of the sta­di­um. In France, Can­tona man­aged to play for six teams and in almost every one he showed his dif­fi­cult char­ac­ter. Dur­ing this time, he spat on his club part­ner, hit anoth­er in the ear and even threw a T‑shirt at the ref­er­ee. Once he called the head coach of the French nation­al team Hen­ri Michel Can­tona a sack of crap.

The vio­lent French­man lat­er became famous at Man­ches­ter Unit­ed. In the game against Crys­tal Palace, Can­tona was shown a red card. The play­er went to the lock­er room, but on the way he suc­cumbed to the provo­ca­tion of a fan of the oppos­ing team. Can­tona kicked the man with a run­ning kick and then rushed to fin­ish him off.

Diego Maradona

Maradona is one of the most tal­ent­ed foot­ball play­ers in his­to­ry. The Argen­tine man­aged to be remem­bered not only for his out­stand­ing play, but also for his scan­dalous behav­ior. Some experts con­sid­er that very hand­ball goal in the 1990 World Cup quar­ter­fi­nals between Argenti­na and Eng­land to be one of these antics.

Maradona lat­er became famous for his addic­tion to ille­gal sub­stances. Inter­est­ing facts in his biog­ra­phy: the foot­ball play­er opened fire on reporters with an air rifle, and he also par­tic­i­pat­ed in the pogrom of the air­port when he was late for a plane with his friends.

Anoth­er scan­dal involv­ing Maradona occurred on the foot­ball field dur­ing a game with Barcelona against Ath­let­ic. The Argen­tinean was tired of endur­ing hard tack­les from his oppo­nent and became the insti­ga­tor of a fight in which almost all the play­ers of both teams par­tic­i­pat­ed.

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Roy Keane

The famous Irish foot­ball play­er, who became the pro­to­type for the hero of the Ted Las­so series, Roy Kent, stood out in life and on the field for his sever­i­ty, rude­ness, and some­times even cru­el­ty. There is a video on the Inter­net of the moment when Keane took bru­tal revenge on Alf-Inge Hol­land, hit­ting him direct­ly in the knee with the spikes of his boots. The foot­baller remem­bered a moment from the 1997–1998 sea­son when Hol­land tried to shame him for alleged­ly sim­u­la­tion.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Swedish strik­er Zla­tan Ibrahi­movic has been involved in a huge num­ber of scan­dals through­out his career. Many would say that the foot­ball play­er became a star, allow­ing him­self some antics.

In each new team, Ibra loved to mock young play­ers, could take harsh revenge on Mar­co Mat­era­cia (learned from Zidane) with a knee blow to the chest for a vio­la­tion four years ago, insult the French by los­ing his tem­per after play­ing for PSG, crit­i­ciz­ing the ref­er­ee­ing and say­ing that France is not wor­thy of this club and many oth­er nasty things.

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Mario Balotelli

The Ital­ian for­ward gained fame as the most scan­dalous foot­ball play­er in his­to­ry. He showed great promise and could have become a foot­ball star if not for his lazi­ness and appalling behav­ior.

One day he want­ed to play darts and tar­get­ed Man­ches­ter City youth play­ers. Lat­er, he man­aged to fight not only with three Man City play­ers, but also with the team’s head coach, Rober­to Manci­ni.

His career went down­hill every year. He was rel­e­gat­ed from every top club he played for. His rep­u­ta­tion as a quar­rel­some per­son­al­i­ty led to the fact that the best clubs in Europe did not want to take him on the team and now he plays for the Swiss club Sion. The player’s friv­o­lous atti­tude towards train­ing and unfor­tu­nate antics seem to have put an end to his promis­ing career.