The Russian paratrooper topped the UFC heavyweight rankings: who is Sergei Pavlovich?

Already in the fall, the Russ­ian knock­out artist can fight with Jon Jones, the best fight­er in the pro­mo­tion.

There are not many heavy­weights from Rus­sia in the UFC. For a long time, Alexan­der Volkov was con­sid­ered the best. But “Dra­go” did not reach the title, and now Sergei Pavlovich has over­tak­en him in the rank­ing. The heavy­weight heavy­weight moved up one spot and became first in the divi­sion where Jon Jones, the best UFC fight­er, holds the belt.

Why was Pavlovich raised in the rankings?

The 31-year-old Russ­ian dis­placed French­man Cyril Gan, who lost to Jones in March 2023, from the first line. John is the best UFC fight­er who leads the pro­mo­tion’s pound-for-pound rank­ings.

After sev­er­al years of inac­tiv­i­ty, Jones moved up to heavy­weight and imme­di­ate­ly took the title. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he was the light heavy­weight king, but gave up the belt due to loss of moti­va­tion. Gan was unable to com­pete and lost by choke in the first round.

Jon Jones - UFC heavyweight champion

The change in Pavlovich’s posi­tion is con­firmed by the insid­er that the Russ­ian will be the next oppo­nent of Jones, who could not orga­nize a fight with Stipe Mio­cic — it was sched­uled for Novem­ber.

How did Pavlovich conquer the UFC?

In Novem­ber 2018, Pavlovich made an unsuc­cess­ful debut in the UFC, los­ing in the first round by tech­ni­cal knock­out to MMA leg­end Alis­tair Overeem. After that, Pavlovich knocked out six oppo­nents in a row — all in the first round.

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The lat­est vic­tim of the heavy­weight was Amer­i­can Cur­tis Blay­des, who held out against Pavlovich for just over three min­utes in April. Sergey deserved­ly topped the divi­sion rat­ing, to which he respond­ed in his Telegram chan­nel:

“What are your thoughts on this, friends? What will the UFC come up with this time?

Sergey Pavlovich

How did Pavlovich come to MMA?

Pavlovich was born on May 13, 1992 in the vil­lage of Orlovsky, Ros­tov region. The fight­er believes that life in the provinces gave him good health — as a child he ate the right food and spent a lot of time on the street.

Pavlovich is a hero: with a height of 192 cen­time­ters, he weighs 115 kilo­grams. As a child, the fight­er was involved in Gre­co-Roman wrestling, hand­ball, foot­ball, bas­ket­ball and ath­let­ics. After school, Pavlovich joined the army, where he served in the Air­borne Forces. There Pavlovich became inter­est­ed in army hand-to-hand com­bat.

Despite his wrestling back­ground, Pavlovich is a knock­out in MMA: Sergei has an incred­i­bly strong punch, and spends most of his fights stand­ing up. He is a fan of Fedor Emelia­nenko, and in 2016 he even went to the train­ing camp in Stary Oskol for his team.