“I’m a lonely man, cats don’t save me”: Oleg Taktarov returns to battle at the age of 55 — this is his secret of longevity

The for­mer UFC belt hold­er showed off his cur­rent form and gave some tips on how to stay healthy even in adult­hood.

The first own­er of the UFC cham­pi­onship belt from Rus­sia, Oleg Tak­tarov, will fight in MMA after a 15-year break.

It is report­ed that he will fight Ser­bian Adnan Alic on August 10th. Jeff Mon­son was orig­i­nal­ly sup­posed to be his oppo­nent, but he pulled out due to a date change. Their fight could have tak­en place back in 2021, but it fell through again.

What shape is Taktarov in now?

55-year-old Tak­tarov has not per­formed for a long time, but he trains to keep him­self in shape. He acts in films, and late­ly he has been liv­ing out­doors.

“I’m a lone­ly per­son, I need to enter­tain myself with some­thing. Two cats are no longer sav­ing, one eats all the time, the sec­ond, who has eggs, marks the ter­ri­to­ry. So just tell me the date, and I’ll get ready. I walk onto the car­pet and feel every­thing. It’s as if I stopped per­form­ing just yes­ter­day,” Tak­tarov admit­ted.

He showed his train­ing on social net­works. And he revealed the recipe for good shape, because at 55 years old he looks more vig­or­ous than Alexan­der Emelia­nenko and Jeff Mon­son.

To stay young, Tak­tarov:

  • Goes to bed at 10 pm;
  • Eats 3–5 eggs a day and a plate of rice or mil­let;
  • Rarely eats meat;
  • Gave up cig­a­rettes, alco­hol and dop­ing;
  • Lives alone with two cats.

Who will Taktarov fight against?

The 39-year-old Alic had 49 fights in MMA, scor­ing 15 vic­to­ries. In his last 16 fights he suf­fered 15 defeats, so Tak­tarov has a chance.

In addi­tion, it is unknown whether Alic will even have the moti­va­tion to win. Before that, he had already lost to 49-year-old Max­im Novoselov in Rus­sia and looked weak:

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Let us remind you that Tak­tarov has not fought since April 2008, when he won by sub­mis­sion against Mark Kerr at the YAMMA Pit Fight­ing tour­na­ment. After that, Oleg gave up fight­ing and began work­ing in cin­e­ma, star­ring in sev­er­al dozen films and TV series.