“He has become much bigger”: boxer Alexander Usik shocked fans with his form two months before the fight

It looks like the cham­pi­on has bulked up in prepa­ra­tion for his fight with Daniel Dubois.

WBA, IBF and WBO heavy­weight cham­pi­on Ukrain­ian Alexan­der Usik sur­prised fans on social net­works with his cur­rent form. Two months before the fight with Daniel Dubois, he looks huge — it looks like Usyk has gained mus­cle mass.

Current form of Alexander Usik

Box­ing fans react­ed emo­tion­al­ly to Usik’s new pho­to on social net­works. In the pho­to, a bare-chest­ed box­er holds a bas­ket­ball in his hands dur­ing train­ing. It looks larg­er than usu­al, but at the same time it is sculpt­ed.

Current form of Alexander Usik

Fans not­ed the champion’s increased mus­cle mass:

  • “This is the biggest Mus­tache we have ever seen”;
  • “He has become much big­ger, he can knock out Dubois”;
  • “He’s gain­ing weight quick­ly”;
  • “I’m scared for Dubois next to this Mus­tache.”

When is Usik’s fight?

Usik will fight on August 26 in the title fight against Briton Daniel Dubois in Wro­claw (Poland). Unfor­tu­nate­ly for the fans, the super­fight between Usik and Tyson Fury fell through — the par­ties did not agree on the fee. Instead, Fury will fight for­mer UFC cham­pi­on Fran­cis Ngan­nou.

Dubois was the next con­tender with a 19–1 record. The rivals have already met and held a ster­down. After him, Usik start­ed rap­ping, which dis­cour­aged his oppo­nent.

Usik is not a nat­ur­al heavy­weight: he moved up to this weight cat­e­go­ry to receive new chal­lenges. Many are sure that he is not big enough for the divi­sion, so Usyk’s form delight­ed the fans. He looks big and does­n’t stand out against Dubois.

Let us remind you that Usik had 20 suc­cess­ful fights in pro­fes­sion­al box­ing. The lat­est is against Briton Antho­ny Joshua in August 2022.