Fan ID may be introduced for Russian Football Cup matches: how fans reacted in the State Duma

Let’s fig­ure out what is known about the new ini­tia­tive and what is the atti­tude towards it.

The Fan ID law came into force on June 1, 2023 at all sta­di­ums in the coun­try. For now, it is only required to attend Russ­ian Pre­mier League (RPL) match­es.

What happened?

On July 25, in the pop­u­lar foot­ball Telegram chan­nel “Mutko vs.,” which is host­ed by Baza jour­nal­ist Gleb Tri­fonov, infor­ma­tion appeared that the Russ­ian Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs pro­posed to extend Fan ID to Russ­ian Cup match­es. We’ll tell you how rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the RFU, the State Duma and foot­ball fans react­ed to this infor­ma­tion over the past 24 hours.

What do they think about this in the State Duma?

Accord­ing to the chair­man of the State Duma Com­mit­tee on Phys­i­cal Cul­ture and Sports, Dmit­ry Svishchev, no one has come up with such an ini­tia­tive. He also called this state­ment a chat­ter­box. RBC Sport report­ed this.

What did the RFU say?

The RFU also respond­ed to the news about plans to intro­duce Fan ID for cup match­es in Rus­sia. Accord­ing to the hon­orary pres­i­dent of the RFU Vyach­eslav Koloskov, it is pos­si­ble that a fan pass­port will need to be intro­duced at lat­er stages of the Russ­ian Foot­ball Cup. He not­ed that if this hap­pens, there will be com­pelling rea­sons that he is not aware of. Here’s what he told“Will the Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs need to explain to the peo­ple on what grounds they took the ini­tia­tive to intro­duce Fan ID into the Russ­ian Cup? The law on fan pass­ports was adopt­ed, the Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs sim­ply does noth­ing, the law will have to be changed. This is not an easy pro­ce­dure; you will need to con­tact the leg­isla­tive author­i­ties. It’s not just that Kolokolt­sev took and signed some kind of deci­sion.” .

Fans’ opinion

Fans of the St. Peters­burg Zen­it in the Russ­ian Cup match, which took place on July 25, with the Grozny Akhmat, start­ed chants in the stands in the first half: “Fan ID is the killer of foot­ball,” Sport24 reports.

Already at the match in Moscow, Loko­mo­tiv fans dur­ing the rail­way work­ers’ game in the Russ­ian Cup against Ural began chant­i­ng: “We don’t need Fan ID.” Sport24 writes about this.