The Australian performed a crazy stunt on BMX: the judges immediately gave him first place

This guy can do incred­i­ble things not just on a mini bike.

Aus­tralian Ryan Williams is well known in extreme sports. He has been rid­ing a scoot­er since ear­ly child­hood, per­form­ing var­i­ous tricks. The ath­lete also mas­ters anoth­er type of trans­port — BMX.

Williams recent­ly took part in the reg­u­lar Sum­mer X Games, which took place in Cal­i­for­nia. In the Men’s BMX Dirt Best Trick com­pe­ti­tion, Williams won the gold medal with the cra­zi­est trick. You must see this with your own eyes. In the video, Williams will be third.

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The Aus­tralian has been com­pet­ing in scoot­er and BMX com­pe­ti­tions at the World Nitro and X Games since 2016 and has won a total of 9 gold medals and one sil­ver since then.

Ryan became the first world record hold­er for per­form­ing a stun­ning stunt called “Sil­ly Willie.” This trick is rep­re­sent­ed by a dou­ble front flip twist­ed 365ᵒ.

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Williams is very pop­u­lar on You Tube. His chan­nel has almost 2.5 mil­lion sub­scribers and reg­u­lar­ly releas­es new videos in which the extreme sports­man shows dan­ger­ous moments of train­ing, breaks down the most dif­fi­cult tricks and shares oth­er details of his sports life.

A few years ago, an extreme sports­man from the Nitro­Cir­cus com­pa­ny vis­it­ed Moscow and per­formed as part of Moscow­C­i­tyRac­ing. We almost for­got that the rid­er per­forms equal­ly crazy stunts on a scoot­er.

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