“It’s a shame to watch”: Cristiano Ronaldo’s performance in a friendly match was harshly criticized on the Internet

The fans real­ly did­n’t like his actions on the foot­ball field.

In mod­ern foot­ball, every­one is watch­ing the per­for­mances of world stars more and more close­ly. Any mis­take they make is exposed as a huge mis­take and evi­dence of medi­oc­rity. Thus, Cris­tiano Ronal­do came under fire from angry com­men­ta­tors.

The Inter­net com­mu­ni­ty explod­ed with dis­cus­sion of Ronal­do’s per­for­mance in a friend­ly match between Inter Milan and the Al-Nasr club from Sau­di Ara­bia, where the Por­tuguese foot­ball star cur­rent­ly plays.

The focus was not on Ronal­do’s beau­ti­ful per­for­mance, but on his fail­ure to score and an attempt at drib­bling that spec­ta­tors found more strange than suc­cess­ful. By the time Ronal­do was sub­sti­tut­ed after the first half, crit­i­cism of him was already gain­ing momen­tum on social media.

The pub­lic did not appre­ci­ate the Por­tugue­se’s per­for­mance and unan­i­mous­ly began to con­demn Ronal­do’s actions. Some of the com­ments were quite harsh. Here’s what peo­ple wrote online:

  • “It’s embar­rass­ing to look at,” said one of the mildest com­ments addressed to the star.
  • “That’s why he hasn’t beat­en a sin­gle oppo­nent head-to-head since 2013,” wrote one user, high­light­ing Ronaldo’s prob­lems.
  • “Use­less feints just for the sake of pass­ing back,” many fans see a lack of deter­mi­na­tion and pur­pose in Ronaldo’s game.
  • “I just have no words,” anoth­er user expressed his dis­ap­point­ment.
  • “Does any­one else com­pare him to Mes­si?” — some fans believe that Ronal­do does not live up to the lev­el of Lionel Mes­si.

Let’s hope Ronal­do can use this crit­i­cism as an incen­tive to improve his game and prove to every­one that he is still one of the best foot­ballers in the world.