Malcolm has problems with the law: the bailiffs are looking for the footballer who left for Al-Hilal

What did the for­mer Zen­it winger do in Rus­sia?

Brazil­ian foot­baller Mal­colm has offi­cial­ly signed a con­tract with the Sau­di club Al-Hilal, where he will receive a mul­ti­mil­lion-dol­lar salary. How­ev­er, in Rus­sia, where the play­er lived for four years, he man­aged to get into trou­ble with the law due to debts.

The depar­ture of the for­mer Zen­it winger abroad became known on the evening of July 26. Accord­ing to avail­able infor­ma­tion, Mal­colm’s trans­fer to Sau­di Ara­bia cost Al-Hilal 60 mil­lion euros — this is the most expen­sive deal in the his­to­ry of the Russ­ian Pre­mier League. The foot­baller’s annu­al income, accord­ing to rumors, will now be 18 mil­lion euros.

Mal­colm also received a con­sid­er­able salary in the “blue-white-blue” camp, which, how­ev­er, did not pre­vent him from attract­ing the atten­tion of the Fed­er­al Bailiff Ser­vice. The rea­son for this is sev­er­al dozen unpaid fines for traf­fic vio­la­tions, writes the Reg­num agency.

Accord­ing to a media source, the mid­field­er, dri­ving his Lam­borgh­i­ni Urus, col­lect­ed about 260 fines. They main­ly con­cerned speed­ing. “The Brazil­ian now has a debt of 64 thou­sand rubles, which he still has not paid. Basi­cal­ly, these are repeat­ed speed­ing and penal­ties for unpaid fines in the past.”,” said the agency’s inter­locu­tor.

But this is not the only prob­lem. After the scan­dal with fines in 2023, Mal­colm for some rea­son changed the reg­is­tra­tion plates of his car. The source empha­sizes that the fil­ing of the appli­ca­tion to change the num­bers occurred lit­er­al­ly the next day after numer­ous vio­la­tions became known to the media.

It is not­ed that Mal­com began vio­lat­ing traf­fic rules again 4 days after chang­ing his license plates. In July, he received noti­fi­ca­tions about debts almost every day, which he sim­ply ignored.

Now the doc­u­ments on the foot­ball player’s debts have been sent to the FSSP.

By the way, Malkom is not the only expen­sive pur­chase of Al-Hilal. Find out why Sau­di Ara­bia is buy­ing the best foot­ball play­ers in the world.