Married a Miss Ukraine contestant and recorded a song from “Hands Up”: 7 facts about CSKA goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev

The foot­baller came to the sec­tion at the age of four and almost imme­di­ate­ly stood in goal.

Igor Akin­feev was born on April 8, 1986 in Vid­noye, near Moscow. The future foot­ball player’s father worked as a truck dri­ver, and his moth­er worked as a kinder­garten teacher.

His father brought Igor to the CSKA sports sec­tion at the age of four. He was the small­est in the group and did not like to run. There­fore, at the sec­ond train­ing ses­sion, Igor stood in the goal, although the ball seemed very big to him.

“Dad went to the field to talk to the coach, and I looked out from behind the wall and thought: damn, there are such moose run­ning around there, how can I play with them? I’ll prob­a­bly nev­er for­get this moment,” the foot­baller recalled.

Akin­feev first went abroad at the age of 10. He went to an inter­na­tion­al train­ing camp in Yugoslavia and real­ly impressed the coach Milyan Milyanovich, who even then said that Igor is Yashin’s suc­ces­sor.

At the age of 15, Akin­feev got into a fight on a field in Kalin­ingrad. He got into the very heap and fought off the entire sta­di­um:

​​​​“We played with the local Balti­ka, pas­sions were boil­ing on the field, the ref­er­ee, as usu­al, helped the hosts. As a result, the play­ers became so angry that a fight broke out at the end of the match. Not just a brawl, but a real mess. I ran into the very heap. Our team stood in the cen­ter cir­cle and fought off the entire sta­di­um.”

Akin­feev spent his entire career at CSKA, becom­ing a club leg­end. But he holds an offen­sive anti-record. Over the course of 11 years and 1 day from Novem­ber 21, 2006 to Novem­ber 22, 2017, he missed goals in 43 con­sec­u­tive Cham­pi­ons League match­es (85 goals).

Akin­feev is friends with the lead singer of the group “Hands Up” Sergei Zhukov. They are fam­i­ly friends and record­ed songs togeth­er — “My Friend” and “Sum­mer Evening”. In 2012, Akin­feev starred in the New Year’s video “Open the door for me” by the group “Hands Up”.

“We val­ue shared plans and vaca­tions. It’s dou­bly won­der­ful that our wives and chil­dren are friends regard­less of us,” Zhukov said.

Akin­feev played in the series “Evgenich”, which was cre­at­ed by Zhukov. The plot is based on the life of a pro­duc­er and com­pos­er who once wrote hits that boomed in the 90s. Igor even began to sing, in the style of Bob Mar­ley:

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Akin­feev is mar­ried to Eka­te­ri­na Gerun. The girl was born in Kyiv and was a par­tic­i­pant in the Miss Ukraine con­test, and also worked as a pro­fes­sion­al mod­el. In 2014, she gave birth to her husband’s first child, son Danil. A year lat­er, a daugh­ter, Evan­geli­na, appeared in the fam­i­ly.

If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about Akinfeev’s sports career, read our mate­r­i­al about the CSKA leg­end.