Slept with a hockey stick, opened a thug restaurant and got Americans hooked on borscht: 10 facts about Evgeni Malkin

The hock­ey play­er moved to the USA and con­quered the NHL, but retained many Russ­ian habits.

Malkin was born in Mag­ni­to­gorsk. The whole fam­i­ly, on the pater­nal and mater­nal sides, worked at the Mag­ni­to­gorsk Iron and Steel Works.

Slept with a stick and loved ping pong

The boy’s love for hock­ey was instilled in him by his father, who also played in the past. He taught Evgeni how to use a stick from child­hood and brought him onto the ice when he was bare­ly three years old. At the age of 8, Evgeniy began going to the local hock­ey school “Met­al­lurg”.

The boy liked sports so much that he slept with a hock­ey stick and some­times with a pro­tec­tive mask. At the age of 10, Malkin, after break­ing his leg, asked to have his cast cut off in order to go on the ice.

Malkin per­formed well in oth­er sports. But after hock­ey, he calls table ten­nis his main hob­by:

“I real­ly love ping pong. We had this sports dis­trict in Mag­ni­to­gorsk, there were a cou­ple of iron tables there, and we played on them all day and night. Our game stopped only when all the balls broke. But they were strong then — “Leader”, I think they were called, thick, thick, even on iron they last­ed for a long time.”

When Malkin moved to the USA, he set­tled with hock­ey play­er Sergei Gon­char. He hard­ly knew the lan­guage, so he watched films in the cin­e­ma hall to learn Eng­lish. Malkin’s favorite for­eign film is “Trans­form­ers,” and his domes­tic one is “Oper­a­tion Y.”

Malkin also loves Russ­ian bil­liards. He played it a lot in Mag­ni­to­gorsk, and then bought a table in Pitts­burgh.

Starred in films and promoted borscht in the USA

Malkin played with Kovalchuk in the fam­i­ly com­e­dy “12 Months” — in the role of one of the month broth­ers. Ilya suf­fered from con­junc­tivi­tis, so he was filmed wear­ing orange glass­es. Malkin sup­port­ed his com­rade and also put on his glass­es.

In the USA, Malkin pop­u­lar­izes domes­tic food — he even appeared on Amer­i­can TV with his recipes. His moth­er inspired him to take up this hob­by. There was a rumor that a dish was even served in Pitts­burgh — “Mama Malkin’s Borscht.”

In his youth, Malkin opened the “VIP Zone” restau­rant in Mag­ni­to­gorsk, designed in a prison theme. There were por­traits of Stal­in and Beria hang­ing there, there was barbed wire every­where — a com­plete immer­sion in aes­thet­ics. But busi­ness did not take off, and the restau­rant soon closed.