Messi tried himself in a new profession and has already amazed everyone with his abilities

It’s not for noth­ing that they say that a tal­ent­ed per­son is tal­ent­ed in every­thing. The Argen­tine proves this with his exam­ple.

The world foot­ball star con­tin­ues to amaze his fans. After the news of his trans­fer from the French club Paris Saint-Ger­main to the Amer­i­can Foot­ball League team Inter Mia­mi, owned by David Beck­ham, the ath­lete decid­ed to test him­self in a new role.

So Mes­si starred in an episode of the sec­ond sea­son of the pop­u­lar Argen­tine TV series “The Defend­ers” about unsuc­cess­ful foot­ball agents on the verge of bank­rupt­cy. The Argen­tine appears in a cameo role. To do this, he did not need to trans­form into some oth­er hero, because he played him­self.

Actor Andres Par­ra, who played one of the main roles in the series, shared his impres­sions of work­ing on the set with a foot­ball play­er. He told Sport Bible that the team was impressed not only by Messi’s human qual­i­ties, but also by his “act­ing skills.” The episode with the famous foot­ball play­er was released on the Star+ stream­ing ser­vice on June 25

It is known that Mes­si will receive 50 mil­lion euros a year for play­ing in the Amer­i­can Inter. He will also be able to par­tic­i­pate in oth­er com­mer­cial projects, such as with Apple and Adi­das, to increase his income.

Mes­si also recent­ly signed an unusu­al con­tract with the Sau­di Ara­bi­an Min­istry of Tourism. So the foot­ball play­er can earn about $25 mil­lion in three years. He just needs to come to the coun­try on vaca­tion with his fam­i­ly and share his pho­tos on social net­works and tag them with a hash­tag approved by the min­istry.