Who became the most expensive Russian football player after the 22/23 season

Let’s fig­ure out who man­aged to increase in price and who became cheap­er.

What’s in RPL?

CSKA for­ward Fedor Chalov played the most pro­duc­tive sea­son of his career. Thanks to this, the player’s price dou­bled and was val­ued at 12 mil­lion euros. His team­mate Ivan Oblyakov was worth 5 mil­lion euros back in June last year, and now he is val­ued at 10 mil­lion euros.

Loko­mo­tiv’s young play­ers have risen in price the most. Sergei Pinyaev, who joined the club in the win­ter, increased in price by 5.3 mil­lion euros. Anoth­er rail­way play­er, Artem Karpukas, added 4.6 mil­lion euros in val­ue over the year.

Sergei Pinyaev has been playing for Loko since December 2022

The cost of some Spar­tak play­ers has also increased sharply. Rus­lan Litvi­nov is esti­mat­ed at 5 mil­lion euros. A year ago, his cost was less than 1 mil­lion. Mid­field­er Dani­il Denisov also increased in price by 3.5 mil­lion.

Many Ros­tov play­ers increased in val­ue after fin­ish­ing 4th in the RPL. Defend­er Alexan­der Silyanov added 4.5 mil­lion euros. Dani­il Utkin became more expen­sive by 3.8 mil­lion euros.

How are our people doing abroad?

After last sea­son, the most expen­sive Russ­ian foot­ball play­er remained Alexan­der Golovin, who plays for the French Mona­co. The mid­field­er had the most pro­duc­tive sea­son of his career. This made it pos­si­ble to increase its val­ue by 3 mil­lion euros to 28 mil­lion euros.

Golovin scored 8 goals and provided 7 assists last season.

Anoth­er Russ­ian, Alex­ey Miranchuk, who moved on loan from the Ital­ian Ata­lan­ta to Tori­no, increased in price over the year by 2 mil­lion and became worth 12 mil­lion euros. 32-year-old Alexan­der Koko­rin helped his club become the cham­pi­on of Cyprus, hav­ing spent a bril­liant sea­son. Due to the fact that the Cypri­ot cham­pi­onship is not high­ly rat­ed, its val­ue increased by only 200 thou­sand and it began to cost exact­ly 1 mil­lion euros.

Who costs less?

Denis Chery­shev, who plays in the Ital­ian sec­ond divi­sion, was unable to shine and became cheap­er by 1.5 mil­lion, now he is val­ued at 1 mil­lion euros. Russ­ian goal­keep­er Andrey Lunev played only one match for the Ger­man Bay­er this sea­son and his price dropped by 2 times. Now its cost is 1.2 mil­lion euros.

The Russ­ian cham­pi­onship was also not with­out sig­nif­i­cant drops in price. Hamid Agalarov, who trans­ferred to Akhmat, became cheap­er by 4 mil­lion, his price dropped to 2 mil­lion euros. Fedor Smolov is val­ued at 3 mil­lion euros after this sea­son. Artem Dzyu­ba also lost val­ue and is now worth 3.5 mil­lion euros.