On-court battle: What are Medvedev’s chances of beating Djokovic?

Russ­ian ten­nis play­er Dani­il Medvedev will play against Ser­bian Novak Djokovic in the final of the US Open 2023 today. Their match will take place in New York, start­ing at 23:00 Moscow time.

Today the Russ­ian ten­nis play­er is the main star of New York. Most for­eign media put Daniel’s vic­to­ry on the main page.

Rep­re­sen­ta­tives of some media out­lets open­ly stat­ed that they were root­ing for Medvedev in this semi-final, and jour­nal­ist Rob Koenig expressed his opin­ion that Russ­ian ath­letes should not be under­es­ti­mat­ed.

“Nev­er write the Rus­sians off. Espe­cial­ly at the US Open! It was a tac­ti­cal mas­ter class from Medvedev“not­ed Koenig.

Experts note that Russ­ian ten­nis play­er Dani­il Medvedev is now in excel­lent phys­i­cal shape and has all the nec­es­sary qual­i­ties to defeat Ser­bian Novak Djokovic in the final of the US Open.

For win­ning the US Open 2023, the win­ner will receive 3 mil­lion dol­lars.

Yes­ter­day, the head of the Russ­ian Ten­nis Fed­er­a­tion, Shamil Tarpishchev, spoke about Dani­il Medvedev’s vic­to­ry in the US Open semi­fi­nals:

“Medvedev played this match great, and this is a great vic­to­ry. Both played very clean­ly, with high qual­i­ty, and from the back line they played points with 20 shots each. In gen­er­al, if you look at the sta­tis­tics, Dani had a slight advan­tage every­where, except for vol­ley­ing. I haven’t seen such a high-qual­i­ty game for a long time.

Alcaraz always climbed for­ward with his serve, dis­rupt­ed the game and won many goals due to this. The first set, if the Spaniard had won, the game would have gone dif­fer­ent­ly. But after win­ning the set, Danya opened up, he served very well, played freely and had a decent advan­tage from the base­line. Alcaraz could not do any­thing against this,” TASS reports Tarpishchev’s words.

The first set decid­ed a lot, where luck also helped. In the third set, Danya decid­ed to force it, he went to the net cor­rect­ly, but we weren’t very good at the net. Although it would work against any­one, it would­n’t work against Car­los. In fact, from the sec­ond set Medvedev had the advan­tage. In the fourth set, both were already tired, but Danya endured. He was bet­ter in every­thing except vol­ley­ing. Danya is super,” Tarpishchev told the Cham­pi­onship.

In his lat­est inter­view, the Russ­ian ten­nis play­er added that he need­ed “be bet­ter than your­self“to defeat such a strong oppo­nent.

“It’s amaz­ing, espe­cial­ly to beat a ten­nis play­er like Car­los. This year I lost to him twice eas­i­ly, so before the match, of course, there were a lot of doubts. Will I be able to impose my game on him? What should I do bet­ter? But I played an amaz­ing match and I’m very hap­py to be here on Sun­day. I don’t remem­ber if he’s still 20 or already 21, but at such a young age he already has two Slams, the title of first rack­et in the world. This is sim­ply incred­i­ble, I don’t think any­one has ever man­aged this before. So, to beat him, you have to be bet­ter than your­self. And I suc­ceed­ed,” Medvedev said after the match.

What does Dani­il need to do to defeat Novak? The same thing he did in the match against Alcaraz. Noth­ing super­nat­ur­al”, — SE expressed his opin­ion about the final Yevge­ny Kafel­nikovwin­ner of two Grand Slam tour­na­ments.

“A bril­liant vic­to­ry for Medvedev — I hope he will do the same in the final. Djokovic plays great, but errors began to appear in him, which Daniel prob­a­bly saw. He can use them to his advan­tage. He def­i­nite­ly has a chance“,” Match TV reports the words of Wim­ble­don final­ist Olga Moro­zo­va.

Daniel had only one step left for com­plete tri­umph. Today he must decide whether to rely on luck or play with con­cen­tra­tion. Experts and ten­nis play­ers ful­ly sup­port Medvedev and believe in his vic­to­ry, and we will find out the result of this con­fronta­tion today!