Russian UFC fighter Volkov defeated a crazy Australian: he drinks beer from fans’ sneakers — it’s very disgusting

The heavy­weight fol­lows a strange local tra­di­tion: the shoes must be some­one else’s, and they also spit and pee in them.

On the night of Sep­tem­ber 10, the UFC 293 tour­na­ment took place in Aus­tralia, where Russ­ian heavy­weight Alexan­der Volkov fought. The Russ­ian was sev­enth in the divi­sion and defeat­ed two times in a row — Jairz­in­ho Rozen­stru­ik from Suri­name and Alexan­der Romanov from Moldo­va.

A vic­to­ry over Tai Tuiv­asa could return Volkov to the title race: he has always been the top of the divi­sion, but he will nev­er get to the fight for the belt. Now anoth­er Russ­ian is vying for the title — Sergei Pavlovich, who is prepar­ing to fight the win­ner of the Jones-Mio­cic pair.

Volkov defeated Australian knockout artist at UFC 293

The co-main event of the tour­na­ment last­ed two rounds, and Volkov won by sub­mis­sion. He beat Tuiv­asa from range, tak­ing advan­tage of his anthro­po­met­ric advan­tage. Tuiv­asa is a knock­out artist, but could not get close to his oppo­nent: he was knocked down sev­er­al times and suc­cumbed to a choke.

It was a rare tech­nique — the Ezekiel choke, for which Russ­ian Alex­ey Oleinik became famous in the UFC. Volkov won 37 vic­to­ries with 10 defeats: now he is like­ly to face a top‑5 oppo­nent and a chance to get clos­er to the title.

Volkov won by choke for the first time in the UFC

Tuiv­asa lost to the Russ­ian for the sec­ond time in a row — before that he was knocked out by Sergei Pavlovich. Tuiv­asa became famous in the UFC for tak­ing fans’ shoes and drink­ing beer from them after vic­to­ries. He says drink­ing from a shoe is an Aus­tralian tra­di­tion called shui.

Accord­ing to tra­di­tion, peo­ple not only drink alco­hol from shoes, they also spit and pee in them. Tuiv­asa want­ed to drink urine right dur­ing an inter­view with top MMA jour­nal­ist Ty Tuiv­asa:

“Tuiv­asa just asked for my shoe to per­form a rit­u­al. I said I did­n’t have any alco­hol and Ty said I could pee in it. I asked if he’d done this before and he said, “Oh, yeah.” I didn’t give him my shoe,” the jour­nal­ist wrote on social net­works.

Sensation in the main fight — Adesanya lost

There was a sen­sa­tion in the main event of UFC 293: the pro­mo­tion’s mid­dleweight cham­pi­on Israel Ade­sanya lost to Sean Strick­land. The can­di­date has a scan­dalous rep­u­ta­tion: he hates fem­i­nism, body pos­i­tiv­i­ty, and calls Gre­ta Thun­berg a moron.

Now the UFC has the most explo­sive con­ser­v­a­tive cham­pi­on pos­si­ble. He says rad­i­cal things and jok­ing­ly asks him­self to “can­cel.” This brings Strick­land pop­u­lar­i­ty — his views attract many.

Before the fight with Ade­sanya, he said that a guy who “jerks off to car­toons and paints his nails” will not beat him. Israel is known for his love of ani­me and loves to dec­o­rate him­self — get­ting man­i­cures and wear­ing neck­laces. Strick­land’s vic­to­ry shocked experts, because before the fight he was a huge under­dog.

This is not the first sen­sa­tion in the UFC title: at the last num­bered tour­na­ment, Sean O’Mal­ley, who was also an under­dog against Alja­main Ster­ling, became the cham­pi­on.