“The dream becomes reality”: Beckham showed the first photo with Messi in the uniform of the new club

Now the Argen­tine plays in pink.

For­mer Eng­land nation­al foot­ball play­er and own­er of the Amer­i­can club Inter Mia­mi, David Beck­ham, pub­lished the first joint pho­to with the new play­er of his team, Argen­tinean Lionel Mes­si, who moved from the French PSG.

“The dream becomes reality,” Beckham captioned the photo.

On July 15, Inter Mia­mi offi­cial­ly con­firmed the trans­fer of the 2022 World Cup cham­pi­on. The Argen­tine for­ward will wear num­ber 10. The 36-year-old foot­ball play­er, accord­ing to the con­tract, will play for the MLS club until the end of the 2025 sea­son.

It is known that Mes­si will earn about 60 mil­lion dol­lars a year and will receive addi­tion­al bonus­es, includ­ing:

  • a per­cent­age of prof­its for new Apple+ sub­scribers who will start watch­ing match­es and con­tent from MLS, the league in which Mes­si will play.
  • income from the sale of cer­tain adi­das prod­ucts.
  • After fin­ish­ing his career, Mes­si will be able to buy any team from MLS.

Mes­si’s move to the USA almost turned into a tragedy. His car, leav­ing the train­ing base of the new club, ran a red light and could have caused an acci­dent. Recent­ly, Mes­si also tried him­self in a new pro­fes­sion, where he has already estab­lished him­self as a real pro. Per­haps in the new sea­son we will see the Argen­tine play not only on the foot­ball field. Men Today also pre­vi­ous­ly com­piled 5 of the sev­en-time Bal­lon d’Or win­ner’s most remark­able goals. These moments will def­i­nite­ly go down in foot­ball his­to­ry for­ev­er, so every­one should see them.