Beckham VS Messi: 2 TV series you can’t miss if you love football

In mid-Sep­tem­ber, Net­flix pre­sent­ed a teas­er for a doc­u­men­tary series about David Beck­ham, and 10 days lat­er Apple TV+ released a trail­er for a film about Lionel Mes­si. One ques­tion: has every­one for­got­ten about Cris­tiano Ronal­do?

“Beckham” — from October 4 on Netflix

Click and watch

He repeat­ed­ly became the cham­pi­on of the Eng­lish Pre­mier League, won the UEFA Cham­pi­ons League, played for Man­ches­ter Unit­ed, Real Madrid, Los Ange­les Galaxy, Milan and PSG. In 2011, David Beck­ham became the high­est paid play­er; in 2013, he com­plet­ed his pro­fes­sion­al career, but did not leave foot­ball and found­ed the Inter Mia­mi club.

The show was helmed by Oscar-win­ning direc­tor Fish­er Stevens, whose doc­u­men­tary The Cove won best pic­ture in 2010. In the series about David Beck­ham, Fish­er plans to show pre­vi­ous­ly unpub­lished footage from the archives of the foot­ball play­er’s fam­i­ly and tell how he grew from a mod­est guy to a foot­ball star. Despite the fact that David led an open and pub­lic life for almost 30 years, 4 episodes of the show “can sur­prise.”

The cre­ators inter­viewed the foot­baller’s wife Vic­to­ria Beck­ham, Man­ches­ter Unit­ed coach Alex Fer­gu­son, and team­mates; they recalled the scan­dal of 2003 and the leg­endary loss to Arse­nal in the 1/8 of the FA Cup.

Became a scapegoat

Dur­ing Eng­land’s match against Argenti­na in 1998, David tripped Diego Sime­one from the oppos­ing team and earned a red card. As a result, the British lost in a penal­ty shootout, and all the fans’ anger was direct­ed at Beck­ham — they blamed him for the loss, they burned an effi­gy of the foot­ball play­er and the whole sea­son was “can­celled.”

split eyebrow

Just after the total defeat in the FA Cup, Fer­gu­son lost con­trol of him­self so much that in the dress­ing room he threw a boot at Beck­ham and cut his eye­brow. The coach and the main star of the team did not get along before this: Fer­gu­son believed that David had climbed too high in search of glo­ry and for­got that his main place was on the field.

Messi Meets America — October 11 on Apple TV+

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The Mes­si doc­u­men­tary series focus­es on the play­er’s life at Inter Mia­mi and his impact on foot­ball in North Amer­i­ca. The sev­en-time Bal­lon d’Or win­ner signed a three-year con­tract in a “sana­to­ri­um for leg­ends” with new prospects in the form of total con­trol over the club and trans­fers, and now the cre­ators are ready to reveal the details of the deal.

The teas­er for the doc­u­men­tary series is replete with sig­na­ture pink shades and inspir­ing state­ments from Mes­si him­self about the tran­si­tion — there is no need to present the biog­ra­phy of one of the most titled play­ers of our time, so the show relies on Mes­si’s real posi­tion in foot­ball. In fact, “Mes­si Meets Amer­i­ca” can be watched as a con­tin­u­a­tion of the Net­flix series, since Inter Mia­mi is the brain­child of David Beck­ham.