Football scandal: female players were dressed in sexy “wet” uniforms — look how hot they looked

The girls from Aston Vil­la were afraid to go onto the field because the whole world could see their bod­ies.

The British brand Cas­tore has recent­ly been active­ly devel­op­ing in the sports mar­ket, hav­ing signed con­tracts with Pre­mier League clubs. It seemed that the com­pa­ny had loud­ly declared itself, but at the begin­ning of the sea­son there was a scan­dal — there were big prob­lems with the qual­i­ty of Cas­tore uni­forms.

What’s wrong with the Premier League team’s form?

Last month there were reports that Aston Vil­la could… ter­mi­nate a mul­ti-year con­tract with kit man­u­fac­tur­er Cas­tore fol­low­ing com­plaints from foot­ball play­ers. They stat­ed that T‑shirts quick­ly get wet, stick to the body and make run­ning very dif­fi­cult.

“After about 10 min­utes, the play­ers look like they took a swim in the pool,” the jour­nal­ists write. This is what the play­ers looked like on the field:

Any­one who has walked in wet clothes remem­bers how dif­fi­cult it is. And run­ning in it on the field is a real test for the body, which is akin to weight train­ing. In addi­tion, the T‑shirt quick­ly becomes heavy due to the fact that the body can­not breathe, which is espe­cial­ly dif­fi­cult.

What do the women’s team players look like in wet uniforms?

If the men expe­ri­ence phys­i­cal dis­com­fort, the Aston Vil­la women have it even worse. The new sea­son start­ed last week and Aston Vil­la played against Man­ches­ter Unit­ed.

The girls dis­cov­ered that the wet uni­form left them almost naked. Par­tic­u­lar­ly affect­ed was Alisha Lehmann, who is con­sid­ered one of the sex­i­est foot­ball play­ers in the Pre­mier League, and her wet uni­form made her a star on social net­works:

Fans could clear­ly see the blonde for­ward’s nip­ples pok­ing through her tight T‑shirt.

Com­men­ta­tor Jacqui Oat­ley stat­ed that the wom­en’s team was afraid to play their first match:

“They have four tele­vised match­es com­ing up. They usu­al­ly enjoyed these games and looked for­ward to them. But actu­al­ly they are afraid of it because they real­ize how they will look in this wet, sticky kit.”