Victoria Beckham spoke for the first time about her husband’s infidelity with his assistant: “It was a nightmare”

The foot­ball play­er him­self admits that he does not know how his wife man­aged to sur­vive what hap­pened.

The moment when infor­ma­tion about the alleged infi­deli­ty of foot­ball play­er David Beck­ham with his wife Vic­to­ria appeared in the media turned out to be the most dif­fi­cult for the star cou­ple. The athlete’s wife her­self spoke about this in a Net­flix doc­u­men­tary ded­i­cat­ed to his life.

The stream­ing ser­vice pre­sent­ed the film, which pre­miered in Lon­don. She was vis­it­ed by the Beck­ham fam­i­ly — David and Vic­to­ria them­selves, as well as their chil­dren — sons Brook­lyn, Romeo and Cruz and daugh­ter Harp­er.

The doc­u­men­tary is ded­i­cat­ed to the entire path of a foot­ball play­er in big-time sports, as well as his coach­ing career and pri­vate life off the field. The film includ­ed archival footage and inter­views with both David him­self and his loved ones.

Dur­ing the film­ing, the cre­ators touched upon a top­ic that was painful for the fam­i­ly. In 2003, when Beck­ham was play­ing for Real Madrid, he was sus­pect­ed of hav­ing an affair. The tabloids wrote that David began an affair with his own assis­tant and the daugh­ter of a diplo­mat, Rebec­ca Luz. Insid­ers wrote that the foot­ball play­er felt lone­ly in Spain while his wife was in Lon­don — that’s how his rela­tion­ship with Luz began.

Both David’s fam­i­ly and the Spaniard her­self nev­er con­firmed this infor­ma­tion. In the doc­u­men­tary, Vic­to­ria com­ment­ed on rumors in the press for the first time. Accord­ing to her, at that time she and her hus­band had to go through the most dif­fi­cult times. “It was the most dif­fi­cult peri­od because it seemed like the world was against us. The fact is that we our­selves were against each oth­er, to be hon­est.”- she said.

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The for­mer lead singer of the Spice Girls added that this sit­u­a­tion was a real test for her rela­tion­ship with her hus­band. “Before Madrid it seemed like we were against every­one else, but we were con­nect­ed, we were togeth­er. In Spain we didn’t feel like we belonged to each oth­er, and that’s sad.”Vic­to­ria empha­sized.

She admit­ted that the sit­u­a­tion with the alleged betray­al great­ly affect­ed her con­di­tion. “It was a night­mare. It was a real cir­cus. Every­one loves it when the cir­cus comes to town, right? But only if you don’t par­tic­i­pate in it your­self.”not­ed the foot­ball player’s wife.

Now an idyll reigns in the cou­ple — the spous­es reg­u­lar­ly share fam­i­ly pho­tos on social net­works. Nev­er­the­less, David admits that it is dif­fi­cult for him to remem­ber the old days: “I don’t know how we sur­vived it. Vic­to­ria is every­thing to me. See­ing her pain was incred­i­bly dif­fi­cult, but we are fight­ers.”.