Bellator is being closed: the date of the last tournament in the promotion has been announced

Rumors of a pro­posed takeover of the league sur­faced sev­er­al months ago.

The Bel­la­tor mixed mar­tial arts cham­pi­onship is prepar­ing to hold a tour­na­ment, in the main fight of which Yaroslav Amosov and Jason Jack­son will per­form. It could be the last for the league — at least, fight­er Mukhamed Berkhamov told reporters about this.

Accord­ing to Berkhamov, he was told that the Bel­la­tor 301 tour­na­ment would be the last for the pro­mo­tion. He not­ed that this infor­ma­tion con­fused many. “They said that the last tour­na­ment and that’s it, there will be no more Bel­la­tor, that’s what they told me, every­thing is in an incom­pre­hen­si­ble sit­u­a­tion now…” — the fight­er empha­sized.

At the same time, Berkhamov added, some ath­letes will not be left with­out work: some fight­ers may be signed by anoth­er Amer­i­can orga­ni­za­tion that orga­nizes mixed mar­tial arts tour­na­ments — PFL (Pro­fes­sion­al Fight­ers League). How­ev­er, Muhamed said, not every­one is ready to take there.

Infor­ma­tion about the pro­posed clo­sure of Bel­la­tor appeared in the media back in the sum­mer. So, in June 2023, the pres­i­dent of the orga­ni­za­tion, Scott Cok­er, stat­ed that the league was look­ing for a part­ner, which could be the PFL, a direct com­peti­tor of the pro­mo­tion. It is still unknown in what for­mat the league will exist.

It is note­wor­thy that this is not the first time in Cocker’s prac­tice that his project has been absorbed by anoth­er orga­ni­za­tion. In 2011, the same thing hap­pened to the Strik­force league — it was bought by the Zuf­fa com­pa­ny, which owned the UFC. Although it was assumed that Strike­force would con­tin­ue to exist and be able to hold tour­na­ments on its own, after 2 years it final­ly closed, with all its lead­ing ath­letes mov­ing to the UFC.

Mean­while, at the end of Sep­tem­ber, UFC head Dana White, com­ment­ing on the pos­si­bil­i­ty of clos­ing Bel­la­tor, not­ed that he was shocked by such infor­ma­tion. How­ev­er, accord­ing to him, at that time he was not con­sid­er­ing acquir­ing fight­ers from the Cock­er league.

Last Stand

Bel­la­tor 301 will take place on the night of Novem­ber 18th in Chica­go, Illi­nois. The main event of the evening will be a wel­ter­weight title fight between Yaroslav Amosov and Jason Jack­son. The Ukrain­ian ath­lete has 27 vic­to­ries and no defeats, his opponent’s sta­tis­tics are 16–4.

Amosov last entered the octa­gon in Feb­ru­ary — then he won a fight with Logan Stor­ley by a judge’s deci­sion. Jack­son is on a six-game win­ning streak.

In addi­tion, the main card of the tour­na­ment will fea­ture a light­weight Grand Prix semi-final match. Alexan­dre Chablius and Patricky Freire will fight in it.