The stars launched a large-scale project to support Russian sports

Every­one will be able to help local teams, ath­letes and venues togeth­er with foot­ball play­ers Igor Akin­feev and Sergei Pinyaev, fig­ure skater Evge­nia Medvede­va and oth­er project par­tic­i­pants.

Project Fonteam

Fonteam is launch­ing a large-scale com­pe­ti­tion for projects to sup­port domes­tic sports. Fans, ath­letes, coach­es and any­one over 18 years old can take part in it. To pro­pose a social project and get a chance to become part of the team, you need to leave an appli­ca­tion on the web­site before Novem­ber 30, 2023. On New Year’s Eve, the pro­jec­t’s ambas­sadors will announce three win­ners, whose ideas will be imple­ment­ed in 2024.

There are four cat­e­gories in total in the com­pe­ti­tion — “Team”, “Ath­lete”, “Place of Pow­er”, “Real Idea”. As part of the project, sta­di­ums, hock­ey rinks and gyms will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sub­mit requests for restora­tion and repairs, indi­vid­ual ath­letes will be able to find a bud­get for trav­el to com­pe­ti­tions, and local teams will be able to talk about the needs for new equip­ment and equip­ment.

Team Fonteam

A real super team of heroes of mod­ern sports has gath­ered for the project. Young stars and renowned cham­pi­ons, influ­encers and sports jour­nal­ists who have come togeth­er to chal­lenge them­selves and bring to life projects that will help the sports indus­try.

The team already includes world cham­pi­on and Stan­ley Cup win­ner Alexan­der Ovechkin, com­men­ta­tor and sports jour­nal­ist Vasi­ly Utkin, cap­tain of the 2DROTS media foot­ball team Adams and Match TV pre­sen­ter Karen Adamyan. On Octo­ber 16, they were joined by oth­er stars of domes­tic sports: world cham­pi­on and Olympic sil­ver medal­ist in fig­ure skat­ing Evge­nia Medvede­va, CSKA foot­ball cap­tain Igor Akin­feev and Loko­mo­tiv for­ward Sergei Pinyaev. The announce­ment of the team’s renew­al was a red cube near the Luzh­ni­ki sta­di­um, which depicts the num­bers of the new mem­bers.