The bodyguard of the Premier League star spoke about the madness of fans: he checks gifts for poison, and once chased 20 thousand people

Karim Abdu is hid­ing Mohamed Salah’s loca­tion to pre­vent fans from find­ing him.

Per­son­al body­guard Mohamed Salah spoke about the extreme mea­sures tak­en to pro­tect the star “Liv­er­pool” He accom­pa­nies the foot­ball play­er almost every­where — espe­cial­ly in his native Egypt.

Why does Salah need such serious protection?

Karim Abdu has worked with many leg­endary foot­ballers, includ­ing Rober­to Car­los, Alessan­dro Del Piero and Angel Di Maria. But now the for­mer head of secu­ri­ty for the Egypt­ian nation­al team has cho­sen his com­pa­tri­ot Salah as his main client.

They have known each oth­er for almost ten years and Karim even fol­lowed the play­er to Italy when he was young and joined Roma. Since then, Salah has become one of the most famous foot­ballers of all time, join­ing Liv­er­pool and becom­ing a huge star.

Salah’s grow­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty means that Karim and his team must check every­thing they pass on to the play­er. Speak­ing on the 5ASide pod­cast, the body­guard explained:

“All gifts must be scanned. We don’t accept gifts, but some­times if I take them from peo­ple, they have to be checked. You nev­er know what’s in the gift. It could make him sick or kill him, you nev­er know.”

How do fans track Salah?

Karim also explained that Salah had to be made “invis­i­ble” because it would go crazy if the Egypt­ian pub­lic found out where he was. Karim recalled how fans noticed the foot­ball play­er in Egypt:

“One day he went to pray at the mosque. Nobody knew where he lived, and some­one was fol­low­ing him and cre­at­ed a What­sApp group: “Mo Salah lives at this address.” With­in five min­utes, about 20 thou­sand peo­ple came to his house.”

Salah with bodyguard

But the worst the body­guard saw came after Jur­gen Klop­p’s Liv­er­pool won the Cham­pi­ons League in 2019 and Salah returned home to cel­e­brate Eid al-Adha.

“All the Egypt­ian media, tele­vi­sion, news­pa­pers — it was like the World Cup final. They lined up in front of his house. He was inside and could­n’t even open the door. They tried to enter through the back entrance, but were unable to do so.

He had to go and pray out­side with every­one. After all, he had just won the Cham­pi­ons League, so every­one want­ed to take a pho­to with him,” the body­guard recalled.

Salah's bodyguard

Karim admit­ted that Salah is wor­shiped in his native coun­try, con­sid­er­ing him a very influ­en­tial per­son. After all, he does a lot of char­i­ty work, builds hos­pi­tals and schools, and saves sick chil­dren. “Peo­ple write up paper notes and give them to him because they think he will solve all their prob­lems,” the body­guard said.

“He paid mil­lions and mil­lions for sick peo­ple. He buys ambu­lances for the city. He helped peo­ple who were short on mon­ey get mar­ried, pay bills or have surgery.”