Canadian hockey players are accused of rape. This is the biggest sex scandal in the history of the team

The play­ers have already been placed on indef­i­nite leave by their clubs.

Play­ers from the Cana­di­an nation­al hock­ey team may find them­selves in the dock in a rape case. Accord­ing to The Globe and Mail, offi­cial charges may be brought against them in the near future.

The scan­dal, in the cen­ter of which were the hock­ey play­ers of the Cana­di­an youth team, has been going on since 2022, while the inci­dent itself occurred in 2018. Accord­ing to the source, five youth play­ers, among whom there are already active NHL play­ers, com­mit­ted sex­u­al assault against a 20-year-old local res­i­dent dur­ing a trip to Lon­don for a char­i­ty golf tour­na­ment.

The vic­tim, whose name has not been released, said that the men gave her alco­hol in a Lon­don hotel bar, after which she retired to a room with one of them. How­ev­er, then, accord­ing to the girl, sev­en more men entered the room, who “manip­u­lat­ed” her and tried to intim­i­date her so that she would not leave the room. Accord­ing to the vic­tim, she cried and asked the men to let her go, but they did not.

After the inci­dent, she con­tact­ed the police, but the ini­tial inves­ti­ga­tion did not lead to charges and was com­plet­ed in Feb­ru­ary 2019. In April 2022, the vic­tim filed a law­suit against Hock­ey Cana­da, the Cana­di­an Hock­ey League and eight unnamed play­ers, demand­ing dam­ages in the amount of $3.55 mil­lion. TSN report­ed that the Cana­di­an Hock­ey Fed­er­a­tion set­tled the law­suit a month lat­er.

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Offi­cial­ly, the names of the ath­letes sus­pect­ed of rape were not named. How­ev­er, the media drew atten­tion to the fact that five hock­ey play­ers over the past four days have been sent on indef­i­nite leave by their clubs. We are talk­ing about Michael McLeod and Cal Foote from New Jer­sey, Carter Hart, goal­keep­er of Philadel­phia, Cal­gary for­ward Dil­lon Dube, winger Alex For­men­tone, play­ing for the Swiss Ambri-Piot­ta. More­over, the latter’s name was men­tioned in the con­text of the scan­dal two years ago, when the for­ward, after a suc­cess­ful sea­son, did not receive a new con­tract from Ottawa.

The media claim that the Lon­don police have already noti­fied the play­ers that they need to sur­ren­der to law enforce­ment offi­cers. At the same time, the depart­ment itself has not yet giv­en any com­ments on this top­ic, promis­ing to clar­i­fy the sit­u­a­tion lat­er.