MMA fighter nicknamed Venom fell from the 10th floor and survived: he was trying to save his cat

Magomed Zainalov’s fall was soft­ened by a car. Now the own­er of the car plans to sue the ath­lete.

POP-MMA fight­er Magomed Zainalov was admit­ted to inten­sive care after try­ing to save his cat. The ath­lete fell from the 10th floor and received seri­ous injuries, but man­aged to sur­vive.

The inci­dent occurred on Tues­day, Jan­u­ary 23, in Ros­tov-on-Don; Zainalov’s col­league Eduard Kuzmi­nov, with whom he was sup­posed to fight in ear­ly Feb­ru­ary, was the first to tell about it. Accord­ing to him, Magomed fell from the bal­cony of the apart­ment he was rent­ing on Kre­post­ny Lane.

As the Mash Telegram chan­nel lat­er report­ed with ref­er­ence to Zainalov’s wife, the cou­ple recent­ly got a cat. On Tues­day evening, the pet got scared of some­thing and ran out onto the bal­cony, jump­ing onto the drain. The fight­er reached for the ani­mal to pre­vent it from falling, but in the end he him­self fell into the street.

Emer­gency ser­vices were called to the scene and took the man to the hos­pi­tal, and his rel­a­tives also went there. Doc­tors placed Zainalov in inten­sive care — at that time he was con­scious, but he was diag­nosed with numer­ous frac­tures, includ­ing the pelvis, as well as rup­tures of inter­nal organs. Now they con­tin­ue to fight to save Magomed’s legs.

The press ser­vice of the Main Direc­torate of the Min­istry of Inter­nal Affairs of Rus­sia for the Ros­tov Region report­ed that the police began an inves­ti­ga­tion into the inci­dent. The Hard­core League, in which the ath­lete per­forms under the nick­name Ven­om, promised to cov­er the costs of the fighter’s treat­ment. Accord­ing to the fighter’s rep­re­sen­ta­tive Vitaly Tarasov, the nec­es­sary oper­a­tions have already been com­plet­ed, his client’s life is not in dan­ger, and recov­ery awaits Magomed. “Now we are wait­ing for news from the doc­tors and from Magomed him­self, I think he will get in touch soon”he added.

Eduard Kuzmin, who report­ed the tragedy, admit­ted: “I prayed that I would win this fight. Now… I want to pray for Ven­om (Zaynalov’s nick­name), so that every­thing is fine with him and that he recov­ers”.

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Accord­ing to the SHOT Telegram chan­nel, Zainalov man­aged to sur­vive because his fall was soft­ened by the Nis­san X‑Trail car on which he land­ed. The own­er of a car that was seri­ous­ly dam­aged plans to sue the fight­er, since the inci­dent is not an insured event.

24-year-old Zainalov has been per­form­ing in Hard­core since 2021. Dur­ing this time, he fought 15 fights, win­ning four of them and fin­ish­ing one fight in a draw.