“It was one of the worst matches”: how world number one Novak Djokovic lost to 22-year-old Jannik Sinner

The Ser­bian failed to defend his Aus­tralian Open title. Novak lost the tour­na­ment for the first time since 2018.

36-year-old ten­nis play­er Novak Djokovic lost in the semi-finals of the Aus­tralian Open to 22-year-old Ital­ian Jan­nik Sin­ner. The match end­ed with a score of 6:1, 6:2, 6:7 (6:8), 6:3 in favor of the Ital­ian ten­nis play­er. Sin­ner knocked the 10-time cham­pi­on out of the tour­na­ment, who suf­fered his first defeat since 2018 and the first loss in his career since the quar­ter-finals in Mel­bourne.

The Serb called the match against Sin­ner one of the worst in his career: “He out­played me. “I’m just shocked by my game, it was one of the worst Grand Slam match­es I’ve ever played,” Djokovic shared at a press con­fer­ence. Novak not­ed that reach­ing the semi­fi­nals is already a good result, but he always expects more. In the game with Sin­ner, for the first time in his career, the Serb was unable to cre­ate a sin­gle break point in a match at a Grand Slam tour­na­ment.

Djokovic’s weakness or Sinner’s skill?

Two in one: the Serb called his game “one of the worst,” experts also note that Novak did not play deep enough, con­stant­ly made mis­takes in line trans­fers and lost exchanges with diag­o­nal shots. Sin­ner “took advan­tage of the poor form” of his oppo­nent, the Ital­ian had more free­dom to maneu­ver, but the 22-year-old ten­nis play­er won not only due to Novak’s weak play: Sin­ner moved clear­ly, worked strong serves and played a more aggres­sive game.

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A year ago, Novak Djokovic won the Aus­tralian Open Grand Slam tour­na­ment for the tenth time. In the final, Djokovic defeat­ed the Greek Ste­fanos Tsit­si­pas with a score of 6:3, 7:6 (7:4), 7:6 (7:5). The match between Novak and Ste­fanos last­ed almost three hours. Djokovic made sev­en aces to Tsit­si­pas’ 15, made three dou­ble faults and con­vert­ed two of five break points. Djokovic equaled Spaniard Rafael Nadal (22) in the num­ber of vic­to­ries in Grand Slam tour­na­ments.

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