Jurgen Klopp will leave Liverpool at the end of the season. He was a coach for 9 years

Liv­er­pool head coach Jur­gen Klopp announced that he would leave the club after the end of the sea­son and also explained his deci­sion.

Liv­er­pool FC head coach Jur­gen Klopp will step down at the end of the sea­son, the BBC reports. He worked as a coach for 9 years, and his depar­ture was a heavy blow for Liv­er­pool fans.

Here’s how Jur­gen Klopp com­ment­ed on his depar­ture: “I love absolute­ly every­thing about the club; every­thing con­nect­ed with the city; every­thing relat­ed to our fans. I love the team. But this should just let you know how con­fi­dent I am in my deci­sion. I can’t do the job over and over again. After every­thing we’ve been through togeth­er, the least I owe you is the truth. And the truth is this”.

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It sounds very abstract, so the first thing that comes to mind is the coach’s fatigue. But this is only a super­fi­cial glance. If you dig a lit­tle deep­er and fol­low the evo­lu­tion of foot­ball over 10 years, you can see how phe­nom­e­nal­ly the work­load has grown.

The num­ber of match­es has increased expo­nen­tial­ly, and the pro­fes­sion has begun to involve a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent lev­el of media expo­sure, so being a coach of an elite club means com­plete­ly devot­ing your­self to work and giv­ing up oth­er aspects of life. You can live in this mode for a year, but how to live at this pace for even 5 years is com­plete­ly unclear. It’s worth giv­ing cred­it to Jur­gen Klopp: he last­ed 10. And it wasn’t easy to hold out, but he was able to turn Liv­er­pool into one of the best teams in Europe.

Jur­gen Klopp joined Liv­er­pool in 2015. It was a dif­fi­cult time for the club. The results of the games were depress­ing; it seemed that Liv­er­pool would for­ev­er remain some­where at the bot­tom of the stand­ings with­out sig­nif­i­cant achieve­ments.

How­ev­er, Jur­gen Klopp man­aged to rad­i­cal­ly change the sit­u­a­tion. Under his lead­er­ship, in the 2019/2020 sea­son the club won the Eng­lish Cham­pi­onship for the first time since 1990. Also in 2019, togeth­er with Klopp, the club won the Cham­pi­ons League, UEFA Super Cup and Club World Cup. From under­dogs, albeit with a rich his­to­ry, Liv­er­pool have turned into favorites with great ambi­tions.

This means that it will not be easy for the club’s man­age­ment to find a wor­thy replace­ment for Klopp. The fans love him and he has a great rela­tion­ship with the play­ers. This per­son has become part of the club and it will be very dif­fi­cult to find some­one like that.

Sports jour­nal­ists see sev­er­al pos­si­ble can­di­dates for the role of the future head coach of Liv­er­pool. For exam­ple:

  • Anto­nio Con­te. The Ital­ian coach is cur­rent­ly unem­ployed after leav­ing Tot­ten­ham last sea­son;
  • Diego Sime­one. The hot-tem­pered coach from Argenti­na is famous for his good results. He has led Atléti­co Madrid since 2011, but may change jobs next sea­son;
  • Luis Enrique. This coach has lit­tle chance, because he only recent­ly became the coach of PSG and is unlike­ly to decide to change the club so quick­ly;
  • Ange Postecoglou. The coach works real mir­a­cles and shows excel­lent results, but is unlike­ly to leave his club by next sea­son.

In gen­er­al, there are can­di­dates, but what deci­sion the club’s man­age­ment will make is still unclear. We can only hope that what­ev­er it is, Liv­er­pool will con­tin­ue to show con­sis­tent­ly strong per­for­mances.