“Crime against football”, 8:0 and boots bought at a local store: the strangest victory of the Russian national team

This is the biggest vic­to­ry in 4 years, but the game was still called a “crime against foot­ball.”

The Russ­ian team won a friend­ly match with Cuba with a score of 8:0. The match took place in Vol­gograd, and all the goals were scored by dif­fer­ent play­ers: the Rus­sians shot at the opponent’s goal 32 times, 17 hit the tar­get, and the Cubans only attempt­ed to attack the oppo­nent three times. The Russ­ian team fea­tured Ivan Oblyakov, Alexan­der Golovin, Anton Miranchuk, Alexan­der Silyanov, Alexan­der Sobolev, Danil Prut­sev, Niki­ta Krivtsov and Andrey Mostovoy.

The media called Russia’s vic­to­ry “dev­as­tat­ing and the largest” since 2019: then the Rus­sians set a record by beat­ing San Mari­no with a score of 9:0 in the qual­i­fy­ing tour­na­ment for the Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship. But obvi­ous­ly not every­one was hap­py about the vic­to­ry.

More than 40 thou­sand fans attend­ed the friend­ly match, and for­mer RFU com­mit­tee mem­ber Andrei Sozin believes that they were all deceived. A foot­ball expert does not under­stand why this tour­na­ment was orga­nized at all and called the game a “crime against foot­ball”: “Did they real­ly want to show in such a ter­ri­ble way that the Russ­ian team is alive? If we treat the nation­al team and our fans, the state of our foot­ball this way, then we are sim­ply trai­tors. You can’t do that”“, Sozin added.

Why Cuba, and what’s wrong with the boots?

Now it is objec­tive­ly dif­fi­cult for the Russ­ian nation­al team to find an oppo­nent: it is a mir­a­cle that they man­aged to bring play­ers from 169th place in the FIFA rank­ings. The team didn’t even have suit­able boots — they had to quick­ly pur­chase them from Volgograd’s Sport­mas­ter. The Cubans arrived with plas­tic spikes, but accord­ing to the reg­u­la­tions only iron ones were allowed.

After the game, the teams exchanged T‑shirts, albeit uni­lat­er­al­ly: the Cuban play­ers said that they only have one set of uni­forms, which they look after them­selves.

Sang in honor of Valery Karpin

Dur­ing the press con­fer­ence after the match, the head coach of the nation­al team com­ment­ed on the song that was per­formed in his hon­or: “I think it’s unnec­es­sary to sin­gle out some­one. Valera, Vasya, some­one else. It is wrong to focus on this. It’s bet­ter to focus on the entire team.”. Dur­ing the chants of “Valera, Valera,” Karpin turned around and left.

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Ear­li­er, Valery Karpin said that he was no longer con­sid­er­ing play­ers over 30 years old for the nation­al team. Men Today, togeth­er with a sports jour­nal­ist, fig­ured out why such atti­tudes are con­nect­ed.