What a pain — France defeated Gibraltar with a score of 14:0

The phrase “crush­ing defeat” now has a vivid illus­tra­tion.

The French team destroyed the Gibral­tar team in a home match with a score of 14:0. This is the largest vic­to­ry not only in the his­to­ry of France, but also an absolute record for qual­i­fy­ing tour­na­ments. The Chaif ​​group should def­i­nite­ly remix their leg­endary song: “Argenti­na — Jamaica 5:0” no longer seems like a dis­as­trous result.

If you ana­lyze the match impar­tial­ly, you will notice that it did not go accord­ing to plan from the very begin­ning. The group favorites played with out­siders who earned 0 points in 7 match­es. There was ini­tial­ly no chance of beat­ing France.

The offen­sive defeats began from the 3rd minute. Ethan San­tos, a play­er from the Gibral­tar nation­al team, scored a spec­tac­u­lar goal, but, unfor­tu­nate­ly, mixed up the goal, so the score opened in favor of the French. And in the 18th minute, San­tos was removed from the field alto­geth­er and the remain­ing time the Gibral­tar­i­ans played in the minor­i­ty.

The French smelled blood and began to score. Mbappe is one of the best foot­ball play­ers in the world, scored a hat-trick against Gibral­tar and also pro­vid­ed 3 assists. Kings­ley Coman and Olivi­er Giroud scored 2 more goals each. And Mar­cus Thu­ram, War­ren Zaire-Emery, Jonathan Clauss, Yous­souf Fofana, Adrien Rabiot and Ous­mane Dem­bele scored anoth­er goal. The only thing that didn’t break was the goal­keep­er, although giv­en the depth of the defeat, there was every rea­son to believe that this could hap­pen.

But no mat­ter how dev­as­tat­ing this match may seem, it had lit­tle effect on real­i­ty. France had 7 points in the group before the win over Gibral­tar. The French secured ear­ly access to Euro 2024, and this vic­to­ry essen­tial­ly had no effect on any­thing. Exact­ly like the defeat of Gibral­tar did not have any impact on the future of the team: they had 0 points in 7 match­es. Even if they per­formed a mir­a­cle, and Ethan San­tos scored against some­one else’s goal rather than his own, one point would not allow them to advance fur­ther.

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The only peo­ple who can be dis­sat­is­fied are those crazy peo­ple who placed a bet with the book­mak­ers on an out­sider, and then watched for 90 min­utes as the team they bet on was reeled across the field.