24-year-old Kylian Mbappe reacts to reaching the 300-goal mark: “This is just ridiculous!”

The French­man scored 300 goals before he was 25 years old.

On Sat­ur­day, Novem­ber 18ththe French team set 3 records and “defeat­ed” the Gibral­tar team with a score 14:0 with­in 9-th round of the qual­i­fy­ing stage for the Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship-2024. In this match, Mbappe scored a hat-trick and reached indi­ca­tor in 300 goals.

Mbappe reached this mark ear­li­er than Lionel Mes­si, Cris­tiano Ronal­do and Ney­mar (they did this after reach­ing their 25th birth­day).

On top of that, Kylian sur­passed the 10-goal mark for France in 2023.

“It’s just part of the process. There are play­ers who have scored 800 or 850 heads 300 - This is ridicu­lous! I need to con­tin­ue to work in the same spir­it and improve my per­for­mance for both club and coun­try”, — Goal quotes Mbappe.

The French­man is also locat­ed on 3 place in the list of scor­ers in the his­to­ry of the French nation­al team. Now he has 46 balls. Kil­ian moved Antoine Griez­mann (vice-cap­tain of the French nation­al team), who has 44 goal. More Design just scored Thier­ry Hen­ry (51 goal) and Olivi­er Giroud (56 balls).

The French national team defeated the national team of Gibraltar with a score of 14:0 in the 9th round (November 18, 2023)
The entire French team plays “for fun”

France strik­er Olivi­er Giroud explained the team’s vic­to­ry by say­ing that head coach Didi­er Deschamps told the play­ers to have fun:

It was a won­der­ful evening. The coach told us that today we have to enjoy the game, but at the same time remain seri­ous and give it our all. At half-time he told us that we had done a very good job.

It was not easy to keep the momen­tum in the sec­ond half and go for­ward, but we want­ed to achieve the record for the biggest vic­to­ry, which was set in 1995 (in Aux­erre) in the France-Azer­bai­jan match. It’s good, we had a lot of fun”, — the web­site of the French Foot­ball Fed­er­a­tion (FFF) quotes Giroud as say­ing.

The first place in Group B of the stand­ings is occu­pied by the French team (21 points). The French have secured their par­tic­i­pa­tion in the final part of the 2024 Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship in advance.