Formula 1 put “show” before safety? Two cars were smashed by hatches in the first practice of the Grand Prix in 9 minutes

The first For­mu­la 1 prac­tice before the Las Vegas Grand Prix last­ed only 8 min­utes: a road hatch in the trash “killed” two cars!

The first free prac­tice at the Las Vegas Grand Prix of the For­mu­la 1 Cham­pi­onship end­ed ear­ly due to a bro­ken sew­er hatch on the city track. This was report­ed by the offi­cial web­site of For­mu­la 1.

Less than 10 min­utes after the start of train­ing, a Fer­rari dri­ver’s car was dam­aged due to a road hatch. The ses­sion was inter­rupt­ed and the pilot left the car.

Auto­drome work­ers care­ful­ly stud­ied the track, after which F1 announced that prac­tice would not be resumed.

Lat­er it became known that anoth­er car was dam­aged by the hatch. The Alpin team announced that it will replace the chas­sis of its dri­ver, Este­ban Ocon.

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Ocon man­aged to fly up and dam­age the land­ing gear, Sainz also flew up after him, slow­ing down under the yel­low flags. But the car still broke down.

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A sec­ond train­ing ses­sion was sched­uled for Fri­day, Novem­ber 17, but was in dan­ger of being can­celled. Employ­ees iden­ti­fied prob­lems with the road sur­face in many places.

Employees identified problems with the road surface in many places
Employees identified problems with the road surface in many places

The Grand Prix in Las Vegas will take place this Sun­day, Novem­ber 19th.

Before the sec­ond prac­tice ses­sion, the FIA ​​will check all oth­er hatch­es to make a deci­sion on the rest of the week­end.

The fire route was com­plet­ed.

Australian Alpha Tauri driver Daniel Ricciardo

Aus­tralian Alpha Tau­ri dri­ver Daniel Ric­cia­r­do shared his opin­ion on the top­ic of motor­sport safe­ty after an episode in the first free prac­tice of the Las Vegas Grand Prix, when both cars were dam­aged as a result of a col­li­sion with a man­hole cov­er.

“Has For­mu­la 1 put show before safe­ty? This is a fair ques­tion. It seems we are a lit­tle late with it, because two cars are already dam­aged. Besides this, the teams have a finan­cial issue, which is a big prob­lem for them, but you raised the most impor­tant issue — safe­ty.

For­tu­nate­ly, Car­los Sainz is okay, but the con­se­quences could have been much more seri­ous. It’s prob­a­bly easy to say that we attend­ed the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny and focused on oth­er things, but did they do their job? Giv­en every­thing that’s hap­pened, you might want to ask the orga­niz­ers questions—for exam­ple, have they done enough?

I def­i­nite­ly can­not ignore this issue. It’s a safe­ty issue and we’re late to it, but I hope they take it seri­ous­ly.

Sim­i­lar inci­dents also occurred in Mona­co and Baku. Obvi­ous­ly this applies to the street cir­cuits and I feel like they need a lit­tle more atten­tion.

The sec­ond train­ing ses­sion took place in front of emp­ty stands? Yes, it’s a bum­mer, but I’m try­ing to be pos­i­tive! This is my first time here, this is a large-scale project, and, unfor­tu­nate­ly, many prob­lems have emerged. I know that no one want­ed this, but I think the orga­niz­ers did every­thing they could. I know it’s late and every­one prob­a­bly has rea­sons to grum­ble, but at least we were able to dri­ve a lit­tle on the track,” ESPN US quotes Ric­cia­r­do as say­ing.