David Beckham didn’t want to leave Manchester United — 8 facts we learned about the footballer

We have col­lect­ed new facts about the life of a foot­ball play­er! David’s unusu­al hob­by, the sto­ry of meet­ing Vic­to­ria and every­thing about the char­ac­ter of his par­ents — in one arti­cle.

David’s fans already know that he regrets punch­ing Diego Sime­one and that he loves spend­ing mon­ey on flashy gad­gets, we’ve col­lect­ed new facts about the foot­baller’s life!

Unusual hobby

Beck­ham admits that play­ing with “sticky things” is one of his favorite pas­times. This is what Beckham’s wife calls the organ­ic hon­ey that David has been pro­duc­ing since the begin­ning of the coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic. David Beck­ham him­self insists on a dif­fer­ent name — “Gold­en Bees”. The first episode of the Net­flix doc­u­men­tary series about their fam­i­ly begins with this rev­e­la­tion.

Leg­end spoke can­did­ly at the start of the doc­u­men­tary about his and his wife Vic­to­ri­a’s sense of humor. On the vast grounds of his home you can see bee­hives that pro­duce fresh and deli­cious hon­ey.

Not allowed to attend the World Cup due to unusual outfit

Just before the 1996 World Cup, the Eng­lish press had a rea­son to prac­tice foot­bal­l’s biggest star: Beck­ham, dressed in a Jean-Paul Gaulti­er sarong, was spot­ted at a pri­vate par­ty.

Pre­sum­ably, it was because of the extra­or­di­nary out­fit that the head coach of the nation­al team, Glenn Hod­dle, left the foot­baller on the bench in his debut match.

Victoria Beckham
Beckham was named after the Manchester United legend

David Beck­ham said he was giv­en the mid­dle name Robert in hon­or of the Eng­land and Man­ches­ter Unit­ed leg­end.

Daring revenge of mom and dad on a journalist

After Beck­ham was hound­ed after the 1998 World Cup, Beck­ham’s par­ents could­n’t resist the chance to take some jabs at the jour­nal­ist.

His moth­er recalls: “We went on a trip and were put up in the same hotel as the press. There was one reporter from The Sun, and we had din­ner last night and put it all in his room. Pay”.

David recognized Victoria’s number on the back of the match ticket

Vic­to­ria wrote the four-word mes­sage “you bet­ter call me” after scrib­bling her num­ber on the back of her board­ing pass for a Man­ches­ter Unit­ed match.

“When I saw him in the play­ers’ lounge, the oth­er play­ers were in the bar, but he was stand­ing and talk­ing to his par­ents. I’m very close to my fam­i­ly and I liked that side of him,” Vic­to­ria said.

David recognized Victoria's number on the back of the match ticket
The footballer belongs to the working class

“We both come from fam­i­lies that work very hard. We’re both work­ing class.”

“Kissed my wife in parking lots”

Rela­tions between the cou­ple quick­ly dete­ri­o­rat­ed, but their man­age­ment did not want their rela­tion­ship to become pub­lic knowl­edge. This meant they had to get cre­ative.
Vic­to­ria recalls: “My man­ag­er kept telling me to keep it a secret, not to take pic­tures togeth­er. So we met in park­ing lots — and I don’t mean that in a nasty way.

David added: “The first kiss Vic­to­ria and I had was in a BMW in a park­ing lot. Cool

David keeps his enemy’s T‑shirt on the wall

After the game, which the club won, Beck­ham is seen exchang­ing shirts with his old ene­my.

“At the end of the match he was smart enough to exchange shirts with me,” he tells the jour­nal­ist with a smile.

“What hap­pened to this T‑shirt? I framed it,” Beck­ham said.