The McLaren team has set a Formula 1 record for the fastest pit stop. They completed it in 1.8 seconds

The speed of work per­formed dur­ing a pit stop often deter­mines the suc­cess of the dri­ver, so it is impor­tant to car­ry out the pro­ce­dure as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. The McLaren team was able to sur­prise every­one by set­ting a new world record.

Accord­ing to, the McLaren For­mu­la 1 team has set a series record for the fastest pit stop in his­to­ry. At the Qatar Grand Prix, Lan­do Nor­ris took just 1.80 sec­onds on his sec­ond pit stop. The pre­vi­ous record belonged to the Red­Bull team: they com­plet­ed it in 1.82 sec­onds.

It seems that a dif­fer­ence of a hun­dredth of a sec­ond does not mat­ter much, but this is not the case. Pit stops are an impor­tant part of rac­ing. Many teams cre­ate their strate­gies based on the speed of the pro­ce­dure, which has a deci­sive impact on the course of the com­pe­ti­tion.

There­fore, it is impor­tant to make a pit stop as quick­ly as pos­si­ble. Teams spend thou­sands of hours train­ing their team and prac­tic­ing skills so that a pit stop takes as lit­tle time as pos­si­ble. Some­times, even a hun­dredth of a sec­ond becomes deci­sive dur­ing a tense con­fronta­tion.

The McLaren For­mu­la 1 team has clear­ly shown that they take pit stops seri­ous­ly and try their best to out­per­form their com­peti­tors in order to win the com­pe­ti­tion. And although Lan­do Norris’s high-speed pit stop did not allow him to win, 3rd place is an excel­lent result that is wor­thy of admi­ra­tion. Espe­cial­ly con­sid­er­ing the fact that the driver’s col­league from McLaren, Oscar Pias­tri, was in sec­ond place. And the dri­ver from the Red Bull team, Max Ver­stap­pen, rose to the very top of the podi­um.

By the way, Bernie Eccle­stone, the man who led For­mu­la 1 for more than 40 years, almost accu­rate­ly pre­dict­ed the win­ners of this com­pe­ti­tion: “Max is the best rac­er in his­to­ry. With­out any doubts. I used to say that the best is Alain Prost. Now I’ll call Max. He’s the great­est. He knows how to get the most out of a car. He’s high­er than Lewis Hamil­ton on my list.

And final­ly, a video of the leg­endary pit stop, which will prob­a­bly end up in For­mu­la 1 text­books in the future:

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