Footballer who was ruined by his love for burgers: Eden Hazard ingloriously ended his career at 32

The for­mer Chelsea and Real Madrid play­er end­ed his tor­ment in big-time sports by announc­ing his retire­ment.

Eden Haz­ard is one of the most tal­ent­ed foot­ballers of his gen­er­a­tion. Until recent­ly, he was on the list of the best play­ers on the plan­et, but now he has fin­ished his career, turn­ing into a meme. The for­mer Chelsea and Real Madrid foot­baller decid­ed to quit foot­ball at the age of 32.

Why did Hazard end his career?

Hazard’s career has not been going well in recent years: he hard­ly played for Real, suf­fered from injuries and was over­weight. He was nev­er able to regain his form, although he tried many times to return to the field. Now he real­ized that he could no longer recov­er, so he end­ed his career:

“You need to lis­ten to your­self and say “stop” at the right moment. After 16 years and more than 700 match­es, I have decid­ed to retire from my pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball career. I was able to ful­fill my dream. I have played and enjoyed many cours­es around the world.

Through­out my career, I have been for­tu­nate to meet great coach­es and team­mates. Thank you all for these won­der­ful times, I will miss you all. I would also like to thank the clubs I played for: Lille, Chelsea and Real Madrid, as well as the Bel­gian nation­al team.

A spe­cial thank you to my fam­i­ly, friends, advi­sors and peo­ple who have been there for me through good times and bad. And final­ly, a huge thank you to you, my fans, who have fol­lowed me all these years and sup­port­ed me wher­ev­er I played. It’s time to enjoy your loved ones and gain new expe­ri­ences. See you soon off the field, friends.”

How did Hazard bury his career?

In June, Haz­ard ter­mi­nat­ed his con­tract with Real Madrid, for whom he had played since 2019. With the Span­ish team, he won the nation­al cham­pi­onship twice, the Cup once, as well as the Cham­pi­ons League and UEFA Super Cup.

But this is only a vis­i­ble suc­cess; in real­i­ty, Haz­ard has long ceased to be a top foot­ball play­er. In the sum­mer of 2019, Haz­ard moved from Chelsea to Real Madrid for 115 mil­lion euros. Then he was in the best shape: he was con­sid­ered the leader of Chelsea and the Bel­gian nation­al team, even claim­ing the Gold­en Ball.

Haz­ard’s trans­fer is often includ­ed in the list of the worst in his­to­ry. Once at Real Madrid, he gained a lot of weight and was often injured. Over four years, Haz­ard played a total of 76 match­es for Real Madrid, scor­ing 7 goals and mak­ing 12 assists.

Hazard suffered from excess weight at Real Madrid

Haz­ard became a meme because of his excess weight: fans laughed at him and gave him the nick­name “Burg­er.” The play­er was always prone to excess weight, but in his youth he saved his metab­o­lism. Azar loves fast food and is ready to eat kilos of burg­ers, piz­za and sweets. With age, it became more dif­fi­cult to burn fat, and the foot­ball play­er gained a lot of weight.

Azar even became the face of a burger ad.

“Eden loves ham­burg­ers and piz­za,” said Hazard’s for­mer Chelsea team­mate Marcin Bul­ka. “I saw him in pizze­rias all the time.” He wants noth­ing more than foot­ball and a good time. At Chelsea there was no prob­lem with this, but at Real Madrid, espe­cial­ly giv­en his recent injury, he went over­board with his weight.”

Hazard loves burgers

At Real Madrid, Haz­ard was plagued by injuries, he spent a long time recov­er­ing, and then suf­fered relaps­es. In just over two years at Real Madrid, he suf­fered 13 injuries. More­over, before this, Haz­ard had almost nev­er been injured: in 7 years at Chelsea, he missed only 21 match­es.