Juventus will cut Pogba’s salary due to the doping scandal: he will receive 430 times less

Recent­ly, the foot­ball play­er took a sec­ond dop­ing test, which turned out to be pos­i­tive.

Juven­tus and French nation­al team play­er Paul Pog­ba will lose a lot of income due to a dop­ing scan­dal. Accord­ing to media reports, the club may cut the salary of the foot­baller, who cur­rent­ly receives 10 mil­lion euros annu­al­ly.

Goal spoke about Juven­tus’ plans. Accord­ing to the source, due to anoth­er failed dop­ing test, the “black and whites” will pay the mid­field­er 2 thou­sand euros per month instead of the required 873 thou­sand. In addi­tion, if he is found guilty of dop­ing in a sports court, Pog­ba will face the threat of a long sus­pen­sion from par­tic­i­pat­ing in team games and ter­mi­na­tion of his con­tract.

There have been no rad­i­cal actions from Juven­tus yet, but the foot­baller has already been noti­fied of a salary reduc­tion. This deci­sion is in accor­dance with the terms of the con­tract: if a play­er is sus­pend­ed, the club must pay him only the min­i­mum wage, which is stip­u­lat­ed in the col­lec­tive agree­ment with the Ital­ian Foot­ballers’ Asso­ci­a­tion.

Thus, Paul Pog­ba will receive 436 times less than the amount he was pre­vi­ous­ly paid.

What’s happened?

Before the start of the new sea­son in Serie A, Pog­ba passed a dop­ing test. On Sep­tem­ber 11, it turned out that the footballer’s tests revealed an increased lev­el of testos­terone. As a pre­cau­tion­ary mea­sure, Juven­tus decid­ed to tem­porar­i­ly sus­pend the mid­field­er, who sub­se­quent­ly under­went anoth­er test — which also came back pos­i­tive. As a result, the deci­sion to sus­pend was extend­ed indef­i­nite­ly.

The athlete’s case will have to be con­sid­ered by the court — accord­ing to Ital­ian laws, he will face up to 2 years of ban for dop­ing. If it is proven that stim­u­lant sub­stances were tak­en inten­tion­al­ly, the sus­pen­sion will last for 4 years. At the moment, the foot­ball play­er is 30 years old.

The head coach of the French nation­al team, Didi­er Deschamps, spoke out about the sit­u­a­tion with Paul, not­ing that he felt sor­ry for the foot­ball play­er. Accord­ing to the men­tor, the mid­field­er him­self is “sad” to watch every­thing that hap­pens to him.

Now Deschamps can­not assess the chances of Pog­ba return­ing to the French nation­al team. He not­ed that the foot­baller had not played for the nation­al team for a long time, and in light of his sus­pen­sion, it is still dif­fi­cult to talk about a return. “I don’t know what will hap­pen in his future”,” Didi­er Deschamps empha­sized.