France will play at Euro 2024 thanks to Mbappe: the most beautiful double

The 24-year-old foot­baller scored goals in the 7th and 53rd min­utes of the match. The goal dif­fer­ence is 13:1, and Kylian Mbappe scored all 6 goals! Now the French are in first place in the group and have no plans to drop low­er. Who else qual­i­fied for the final round?

The nation­al teams of Bel­gium, Por­tu­gal and France were the first to win tick­ets to the final part of the Euro­pean Foot­ball Cham­pi­onship, which will be held in the sum­mer of 2024 in Ger­many.

Kylian Mbappe was the hero of the match, scor­ing an impres­sive brace to give France a hard-fought vic­to­ry over the Nether­lands in a Euro 2024 qual­i­fi­er. The scor­er ensured they reached the final the fol­low­ing sum­mer.

The foot­baller’s dou­ble allowed France to win 2:1 over the Nether­lands.

It took the cap­tain of the French nation­al team only sev­en min­utes to do this!

Mbappe had an ear­ly goal: after a com­bi­na­tion, full-back Jonathan Kloss crossed to the strik­er, who scored with his high foot. In the sec­ond half, Mbappe scored a dou­ble with a beau­ti­ful shot from the penal­ty line slight­ly behind his back, into the far cor­ner of Bart Ver­bruggen. Ams­ter­dam still can’t believe this tra­jec­to­ry!

France have won six from six and can­not fin­ish out­side the top two in Group B. Goal dif­fer­ence 13:1 and that’s all 6 Kylian Mbappe scores!

The Nether­lands are third in the group, three points behind Greece — after win­ning by a score 2:0 above Ire­landwith whom they play Athens on Mon­day, Octo­ber 16th.

France is impeccable in defense

Quilind­si Hart­man’s goal was the first that France con­ced­ed in Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship qual­i­fy­ing. No oth­er coun­try has main­tained a per­fect defen­sive per­for­mance for so long.

This achieve­ment is even more impres­sive con­sid­er­ing that France is miss­ing sev­er­al defend­ers!

It was the sec­ond game in a row in which nation­al team coach Didi­er Deschamps exper­i­ment­ed with the cen­tre-back posi­tion.

Day­ot Upame­cano, Axel Dis­asi, Pres­nel Kim­pem­be, Wes­ley Fofana and William Sal­i­ba were absent from the cen­tral defend­ers.

France, for exam­ple, kept four clean sheets at the 2018 World Cup, which they won, and only one in 2022, when Mbappe’s final hat-trick went in vain.

Undoubt­ed­ly, the inten­si­ty and qual­i­ty of the game will increase if France goes deep­er into prepa­ra­tions for Euro 2024, but for now opin­ions are mixed.

Man of the match - Mbappe!

Mbappe now has 42 goals in 72 match­es for the French nation­al team. He is fourth on the all-time goalscor­ing list, sur­pass­ing Michel Pla­ti­ni this evening.

Four play­ers made their debut for the Dutch nation­al team — Bart Ver­bruggen, Hart­man, Jere­my Frim­pong and Miki van de Ven.

Malo Gous­to won his first cap for France.

Who qualified for the final round
  1. Por­tu­gal: beat Slo­va­kia 3:2. Gonça­lo Ramos and Cris­tiano Ronal­do, who scored two goals, scored among the win­ners. Por­tu­gal are cur­rent­ly in first place in their qual­i­fy­ing group.
  2. Bel­gium. On Octo­ber 13, after a vic­to­ry over Aus­tria (3:2), she guar­an­teed a top‑2 fin­ish in Group F.
  3. French peo­ple! They are already two-time Euro­pean cham­pi­ons. They man­aged to win the tour­na­ment in 1984 and 2000.