Which football player earns the most? Ronaldo outplayed everyone again

There is no intrigue in the new top of the high­est paid foot­ball play­ers. Only famil­iar names that have been known for many years.

Forbes con­duct­ed its annu­al study to find out which foot­baller was the high­est paid this year. No intrigue hap­pened: back on Decem­ber 30, 2022, when it became known that Ronal­do was mov­ing to the Arab club An-Nasr, it became clear that he would become the high­est paid foot­ball play­er. 200 mil­lion euros a year is a record salary even by foot­ball stan­dards.

There­fore, Ronal­do expect­ed­ly took first place in the top. His income for the year was about $260 mil­lion before tax­es and agent fees. The net prof­it will be much less. Of these 260 mil­lion, 200 are club salaries and oth­er bonus­es and “only” 60 are adver­tis­ing con­tracts. What’s inter­est­ing: over 10 years in sports, Ronal­do earned about $961 mil­lion. That is, he received more than a quar­ter of the total income in just 1 year.

Mes­si is in sec­ond place in the rank­ing. He moved to Inter Mia­mi. They pay well there too, but they are far from Arab clubs. The foot­ball play­er’s earn­ings amount­ed to only $135 mil­lion. What’s inter­est­ing is that Mes­si earned slight­ly less than Ronal­do from spon­sor­ship con­tracts: $70 mil­lion. But for his work at the club he received $65 mil­lion. 3 times less than Ronal­do.

Third place went to anoth­er foot­ball leg­end — Ney­mar. He is only $23 mil­lion behind Mes­si, receiv­ing $112 mil­lion for the year. Of these, 90 mil­lion are salaries and only 22 are spon­sor­ship con­tracts.

But the young but very suc­cess­ful foot­ball star, Kylian Mbappe, lost ground this year. In 2022, he was able to over­take every­one, but now he is only in 4th place in the top, hav­ing earned $110 mil­lion.

Places 5 to 10 look like this:

  • Karim Ben­ze­ma — $106 mil­lion;
  • Erling Haa­land — $58 mil­lion;
  • Mohamed Salah — $53 mil­lion;
  • Sadio Mane — $52 mil­lion;
  • Kevin De Bruyne — $39 mil­lion;
  • Har­ry Kane — $36 mil­lion.

It is unclear who will be at the top next year, but there is every rea­son to believe that no one will be able to beat Ronal­do: he received too lucra­tive a con­tract.