In Colombia, the president of a football club was shot dead immediately after a lost match: he was riding in a car with his daughter

This is not the first mur­der of peo­ple from the foot­ball busi­ness in the coun­try; before this, the drug mafia killed a nation­al team play­er for a mis­take on the field.

Latin Amer­i­can foot­ball is known for its pas­sions, but some­times they go beyond the bounds of rea­son. Edgar Paez, pres­i­dent of FC Tigres, was recent­ly killed in Colom­bia. Team rep­re­sen­ta­tives report­ed this on social net­works.

How was the president of a football club killed?

It is report­ed that the crim­i­nals opened fire when Paes was return­ing home in his car after Tigres’s lost match against Atléti­co de Cali, which end­ed with a score of 2:3. Tigres plays in the sec­ond strongest divi­sion and is in penul­ti­mate place.

Accord­ing to the police, the attack took place near the Met­ro­pol­i­tano de Techo sta­di­um — two crim­i­nals rode up on a white motor­cy­cle. Paez suf­fered gun­shot wounds to the chest, neck and head. He was urgent­ly hos­pi­tal­ized, but the doc­tors could not help — the 63-year-old func­tionary died in the hos­pi­tal.

It is not­ed that Paes had a daugh­ter in the car with him. Infor­ma­tion about her con­di­tion is not spec­i­fied. The inci­dent was caught on CCTV and police are inves­ti­gat­ing.

What could be the reason for the murder?

Paes owned 49% of the club’s shares, the rest was dis­trib­uted among his fam­i­ly and friends. Accord­ing to some ver­sions, the mur­der could be relat­ed to sports bet­ting.

Paez pre­vi­ous­ly worked as a detec­tive and served as an inves­ti­ga­tor in the Colom­bian Attor­ney Gen­er­al’s Office. The news­pa­per El Espec­ta­dor claims that sev­er­al years ago he was sen­tenced to sev­en months in prison for caus­ing bod­i­ly harm by neg­li­gence. This is anoth­er alleged motive for the mur­der.

Almost 30 years ago, a national football player was killed in Colombia

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this is not the first high-pro­file crime in Colom­bia that has occurred in the world of foot­ball. In 1994, the team was con­sid­ered one of the shad­ow favorites of the World Cup, but was elim­i­nat­ed due to an own goal by defend­er Andres Esco­bar.

A bright career await­ed him: before the World Cup, Esco­bar was prepar­ing to move to Milan, but did not have time. They say that the mafia in Colom­bia was engaged in bet­ting and the unex­pect­ed rel­e­ga­tion of the nation­al team hit them hard in their pock­ets. Esco­bar was shot 10 days after the fatal match in his home­town of Medellin.

Escobar had a hard time with the own goal and couldn’t sleep at night

The body­guard of the Gal­lion broth­ers, asso­ci­at­ed with the drug mafia, was accused of mur­der. While shoot­ing at Andres Esco­bar, he repeat­ed the same words: “Thank you for that own goal.”

Esco­bar’s death shocked the world and remains one of the worst tragedies in the his­to­ry of foot­ball. The mur­der of the Tigres pres­i­dent is not so res­o­nant, but it is anoth­er shock­ing inci­dent that occurred in Colom­bia.