A UFC fighter brought a Bible into the octagon and screamed heart-rendingly: the video has gone viral — this has never been done in MMA before

Bryce Mitchell believes that the earth is flat, the coro­n­avirus was invent­ed, and once drove demon-pos­sessed peo­ple out of their hous­es.

Bryce Mitchell is a UFC feath­er­weight ranked in the top 10 of the divi­sion. He is a good wrestler and became famous for his rare sub­mis­sions, which forced his oppo­nents to give up. Out­side of the Octa­gon, Mitchell is a true red­neck who lives on a farm and believes in con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries.

Why did Mitchell bring the Bible into the octagon?

Mitchell was unde­feat­ed in the UFC until recent­ly, but lost to hot prospect Iliya Top­uria. In a fight with vet­er­an Dan Ige, Mitchell suc­cess­ful­ly over­turned his defeat by win­ning a unan­i­mous deci­sion.

But fans remem­ber Mitchell not for his vic­to­ry (it was not the most con­fi­dent), but for his extrav­a­gant behav­ior: before the fight, he brought a Bible into the octa­gon and shout­ed the word “free­dom.”


After the vic­to­ry, he brought the Bible back into the cage, knelt with Ige and prayed in hon­or of the vic­tims of the Hawaii wild­fires. How­ev­er, Mitchell said that the fires were arti­fi­cial­ly caused by peo­ple who want to take the land from the natives.

Those who know Mitchell weren’t too sur­prised by this behav­ior. In an inter­view before the tour­na­ment, he shout­ed at for­mer UFC cham­pi­on and now TV pun­dit Michael Bisp­ing. All because of the the­o­ry of human evo­lu­tion: Mitchell is sure that man did not descend from a mon­key, Bisp­ing, as it turned out, is the oppo­site.

Why is Mitchell acting this way?

Mitchell is very reli­gious: he writes hip-hop for the glo­ry of God, sees con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries every­where and is sure that he com­mu­ni­cat­ed with demons pos­sessed. One day they broke into his house, and the fight­er, accord­ing to him, was able to dri­ve away the mad­men only with prayer.

Mitchell is con­fi­dent that the coro­n­avirus does not exist and the earth is flat. He lives on a farm, hunts for his own food, and kills deer with his bare hands. Out­side the octa­gon, he often wears work boots and over­alls, sup­ports Trump and oppos­es any sex­u­al minori­ties.

Click and watch

Mitchel­l’s appear­ance in the octa­gon with a Bible caused a furor on social net­works. Many peo­ple love the fight­er for his car­toon­ish con­ser­vatism, so they quick­ly made memes with footage from the broad­cast.

Some­one sug­gest­ed mak­ing Mitchel­l’s pho­to the cov­er of the new UFC 5 video game, which comes out in Octo­ber. Oth­er fans were more reserved: “One of the weird­est things I’ve seen in the mod­ern UFC era!”

With the win, Mitchel­l’s UFC record improved to 7–1 and he remained in the top 10. At the same time, the Amer­i­can does not admit Topuria’s defeat: he assures that he was very sick and made a mis­take by accept­ing the fight.

How­ev­er, the fight with Top­uria was so one-sided that it is unlike­ly that the UFC will arrange a rematch in the near future. After all, Ilia will fight for the title against Alex Volka­novs­ki, while Mitchell is still fight­ing to remain in the top 10.