“I coached the richest footballer in the world”: registration form revealed the footballer’s royal connections

It’s hard to go unno­ticed when you have £20 bil­lion in your account.

Faik Bolki­ah — The rich­est foot­ball play­er in the world. Nobody signed an expen­sive con­tract with him, and he does­n’t star in com­mer­cials. He is just the son and nephew of the prince and Sul­tan of Brunei, a state in south­east Asia that has huge reserves of gas and oil, so it is quite devel­oped.

Geoffrey Bolkiah - Prince of Brunei, father of the richest football player
One registration form revealed the secret of the condition

Faik was born in Los Ange­les but grew up in Berk­shire, Eng­land, where he devel­oped a love for foot­ball. After mov­ing to local club New­bury at 10 years old in 2008 The Bolki­ah fam­i­ly had to fill out a reg­is­tra­tion form, after which their pre­vi­ous­ly hid­den roy­al con­nec­tions were revealed.

“On his reg­is­tra­tion form their home was list­ed in Wot­ton Hill on the site of a for­mer hotel (Holling­ton House),” for­mer New­bury FC man­ag­er Paul Mor­gan told The Ath­let­ic in 2020. “It was no secret that they were relat­ed to the roy­al fam­i­ly of Brunei

In the past, the football player had pet tigers

He was always dressed smart­ly. There was no doubt that he did not buy his foot­ball kit from a char­i­ty shop! He was dressed excep­tion­al­ly well, very well man­nered and even more ded­i­cat­ed to his work. He nev­er exud­ed arro­gance. He was com­plete­ly unaf­fect­ed by his priv­i­leged back­ground

The foot­ball play­er’s fam­i­ly’s for­tune is esti­mat­ed at tens of bil­lions of dol­lars.

Now in the garage Faik Bolki­akha 2500 cars and he lives in the best palace in the world, he plays for the local foot­ball club “Chon­buri

The guy’s fam­i­ly is not shy about spend­ing mon­ey. There have long been leg­ends about his fam­i­ly’s fleet of vehi­cles. It is con­sid­ered the largest in the world and has about 2500 cars Among them: 200 Fer­rari cars, the same num­ber of Jaguars, about 300 Bent­ley and hun­dreds of oth­ers. If you cal­cu­late the total cost of this “garage”, your head will spin.

There are also rumors that Faik’s father spends about $35 mil­lion a month.

The house where Faik lives with his fam­i­ly is includ­ed in the Guin­ness Book of Records. This is the largest palace in the world, with an area of ​​200,000 square meters. Sul­tan Has­san Boki­ah spent half a bil­lion dol­lars on it. There is Car­rara mar­ble and pure gold on the domes.

To become the rich­est foot­ball play­er: it was enough for Faik to be born and con­nect his life with foot­ball, which is what the guy did.