Why doesn’t Lionel Messi buy phones for his children?

Lionel Mes­si recent­ly gave an inter­view on OLGA chan­nel, talk­ing with come­di­an Mige Granadas. Dur­ing the con­ver­sa­tion they touched on some foot­ball top­ics. Mes­si spoke about his dai­ly rou­tine and also shared tips on rais­ing chil­dren.

Lionel Mes­si gave an inter­view to the OLGA YouTube chan­nel, talk­ing with come­di­an Mige Granadas. They dis­cussed the reac­tion “PSG“to win the World Cham­pi­onship, or, more pre­cise­ly, the lack of hon­ors from the team. The foot­baller once again empha­sized that win­ning the Cham­pi­ons League is more impor­tant for him, than receiv­ing “Gold­en balls”, which Leo already has 7. Noth­ing was said about the next World Cup.

Most of the inter­view was devot­ed to Mes­si’s fam­i­ly and adap­ta­tion to the Unit­ed States. Per­haps she turned out to be more inter­est­ing.

Standard routine: get up at 7, work out and watch TV series

My wife and I get up at 7 am, have break­fast, take him to school, then I go to train­ing. At one o’clock in the after­noon I come back and have lunch with Antonel­la, togeth­er we watch TV — series, films, some­thing like that, we can take a nap. At three o’clock in the after­noon we pick up the chil­dren from school and take them to train­ing — Thi­a­go plays for the 11-year-olds, Mateo for the 8–9‑year-olds. They love foot­ball very much — they grew up on it, watched it from birth. It’s con­ve­nient that they train in the same place as me. At 9 o’clock, when the chil­dren are already asleep, we spend qui­et time with Antonel­la. We have din­ner ear­ly and watch TV again.”, the foot­baller said.

The footballer is not happy with social networks

I often laze around with my mobile phone in my hands. But I don’t like or write com­ments. You post some­thing stu­pid and it goes viral. There are things I pre­fer to avoid because of what might hap­pen next. But in every­day life with fam­i­ly and friends, I do not deny myself any­thing. There are times when you’re hav­ing a bad day or some­thing and you’re caught at the wrong moment to take a pho­to — and the per­son ask­ing for it can’t under­stand how you can say no. Although you are not in the mood or just don’t feel like it. There must be places in the world where I am invis­i­ble. That’s not the case in the US now because I’m here, but a few years ago I could go unno­ticed in many parts of this coun­try. When it comes to clothes, how I dress is my choice. We are all dif­fer­ent, every­one has their own style, some take more or less risks. I’m more care­ful. I buy a lot online, I like it bet­ter this way.”

Why doesn’t Lionel Messi buy phones for his children?

“I don’t use my stick­ers on What­sApp, and in gen­er­al I’m cool with every­thing like that. I don’t send audio mes­sages – just texts and calls. And chil­dren don’t have phones yet.”

Many fans are inter­est­ed in Lionel Mes­si’s par­ent­ing advice and his abil­i­ty to raise his three sons. After Argenti­na’s vic­to­ry in the 2022 World Cup, Leo’s fig­ure is increas­ing­ly in the spot­light. Fans love his father fig­ure and per­son­al life.

  1. Lionel Mes­si con­stant­ly reminds his three chil­dren that a com­fort­able life is not “some­thing giv­en”. He imparts to them valu­able lessons that life is full of sur­pris­es and every­thing can change in an instant. The foot­baller has been explain­ing since child­hood that well-being and wealth can be tem­po­rary and not guar­an­teed, and he will have to learn to live in less com­fort­able and sta­ble con­di­tions.
  2. Every­thing has its price: Lionel Mes­si tries to instill in chil­dren an under­stand­ing of the val­ue of things. He teach­es his chil­dren to under­stand that achiev­ing any­thing requires effort. The foot­ball play­er does not want his chil­dren to think that every­thing in life hap­pens eas­i­ly and with­out dif­fi­cul­ty.
  3. Lionel Mes­si encour­ages all par­ents to spend more time with their chil­dren and fam­i­ly while they can. In all his affairs and activ­i­ties, he tries to include his chil­dren and wife. He and his wife always strive to spend time with the guys and par­tic­i­pate in sim­ple and enjoy­able activ­i­ties, with­out allow­ing the phone and scrolling feed to alien­ate them.
Lionel Messi striker's wife Antonela Roccuzzo kisses him after winning the 2022 World Cup