McGregor hit the power meter and disgraced himself, making the Internet laugh: he knocked out only 1 out of 999 — it was caught on video

The viral video has spread across social net­works, and many admit that they have watched it many times.

Conor McGre­gor is a for­mer UFC cham­pi­on in two weight class­es. The Irish­man was nev­er con­sid­ered a strong hit­ter, but he knocked out oppo­nents with his accu­ra­cy and tim­ing.

How hard is Conor’s punch?

Recent­ly, Conor has gained a lot of weight, which is why he was sus­pect­ed of dop­ing. He def­i­nite­ly won’t be able to cut down to light­weight, so every­one is won­der­ing how hard Conor is hit­ting right now.

It’s no secret that body weight affects pow­er, so Conor decid­ed to show every­one his leg­endary punch. How­ev­er, some­thing went wrong, and McGre­gor became a hero viral video.

He recent­ly hung out again at his pub, the Black Forge Inn in Dublin, where he met fans. There Conor decid­ed to test his punch on a spe­cial sim­u­la­tor that mea­sures his strength.

McGre­gor took aim and launched his sig­na­ture left hand, hit­ting the pow­er meter with the same feroc­i­ty as when he knocked out Jose Aldo to become UFC cham­pi­on in 2015.


Odd­ly enough, the device showed only 1 point (!) out of 999. Of course, a mal­func­tion was to blame, because the UFC star could not have hit so weak­ly. Conor was out­raged when he saw the one, so he tried to hit again. And it turned out much bet­ter — 860 points, which was slight­ly short of the record of 879 points.

“Bro­ken this thing twice, I’m num­ber one, every­thing broke, yeah,” McGre­gor said after the hit, hint­ing that it was­n’t the first time he’d caused a car to mal­func­tion.

When will Conor return to the UFC octagon?

McGre­gor has not com­pet­ed since break­ing his leg dur­ing his third fight with Dustin Poiri­er at UFC 264 in July 2021, but he is close to a come­back fight.

Conor is sched­uled to face light­weight Michael Chan­dler, who co-coached the Irish­man on the real­i­ty show “The Ulti­mate Fight­er.” It recent­ly became known that Conor has re-entered the USADA pool and will begin to under­go dop­ing tests, and in six months he will be able to fight in the UFC.